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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

In the digital age, most people have their most used app. Whether they know their most used apps by checking their screen time, or just by having a preferred app, there are reasons why we like each app for different reasons. Here is my ranking of my social media apps:

  1. Instagram

Instagram has just never done me wrong. It’s easily my go-to app to scroll through when I’m in an awkward public situation (i.e. doctors office, DMV, etc.). Its home screen algorithm isn’t what it used to be, but I enjoy the explore page more than anything. Whether I spend hours watching quick makeup videos, oddly satisfying clips, or scrolling through fan edits of Taylor Swift, Instagram has me covered. 

  1. Twitter

Oh, Twitter. I think many of us have had a similar experience with Twitter where we download the app, never get on it for months, then one day get back on it and are obsessed. This is my second go-to app when I’m awkwardly waiting in public; there’s no audio. It’s so easy to read Twitter banter and become lost in it. There are also many niches and ways to use Twitter. A lot of my friends are a part of some sort of fandom on Twitter. I myself think I fall in the realm of political twitter, news and self-deprecating humor. It’s a good mix. 

  1. TikTok

The app that has taken the world by storm, TikTok. This app is more difficult to get on in public without earbuds of sorts, which isn’t always the case. It’s another one of those apps that has so many avenues that make it easy for anyone to enjoy it. This is one of my weekend apps that I can spend hours on if I’m not careful. 

  1. Snapchat

Is Snapchat even considered social media anymore? I don’t do anything on Snapchat other than talk to friends and look at their stories. I feel like some of the “news stories” used to be semi-interesting, but I have other apps that interest me more now. 

  1. Yik Yak

I recently downloaded Yik Yak and WOW. If you haven’t downloaded this one yet, it’s similar to Twitter and Reddit. The Daily Kansan did an article on it recently, so I won’t spend much time discussing how it works, but it’s quickly becoming one of the apps I can get on in public when I’m passing time. The only downside is that it’s more popular in college towns and when I go home the app is very dry. 

  1. Pinterest

I probably scroll through Pinteresting about once a week and it’s usually for a purpose. I’m either looking for recipes, outfit inspiration, or sometimes a new wallpaper background. I also go there for travel purposes to find cute photo opportunities at my destination. 

  1. Facebook

Facebook is just too problematic for me. The only reason I have it is for my internship and to keep up with family and friends who don’t have Instagram. :)

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