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Pursuing dreams to the Big Apple

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Sarah Atkinson, a freshman at the University of Kansas, loves to make people laugh. While she majored in theater design this year, spending more time behind the scenes, Atkinson is most comfortable stirring up a riot on stage. After starring in several productions throughout high school, Atkinson submitted an application to the New York Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, where she plans to study acting next year.

Getting this far has not been an easy process. It took months of applications, interviews, paperwork and calls before the letter of acceptance finally came. While the distance was far and acceptance seemed far off, Atkinson was certain that this was an opportunity she wanted to seek. Her plan is to study acting for a variety of mediums, including film, television and theater, in order to open up as many opportunities as possible.

“I want to explore all different types of performance, whether that is on film or on the stage,” Atkinson said. “For me, it’s okay if I don’t end up being the biggest star in the world, because what’s important is that I am happy, and I’m doing what I’m passionate about, which is performing.”

Atkinson discovered her love for the stage back in junior high, when her friends encouraged her to go into theater after a performance at a talent show. At the time, acting had never crossed her mind, but she soon found that it was a good fit.

“I guess there was just something that just felt right when I performed,” Atkinson said. “I felt at home when I was on the stage, and it just allowed me to open up and become this very outgoing person that I hadn’t really been before.”

Since then, she has played several roles, including that of overbearing mother Mae Peterson in “Bye Bye Birdie.” While Atkinson can put on a serious performance, comedy is definitely her element.

“I’ve really just done a lot of comedic roles,” Atkinson said. Those are my favorite roles to have just because I love making people laugh.”

Even in day-to-day conversation, Atkinson will slip in a witty comment or a spot-on impersonation to add a bit of humor to the moment. Her current role model is Rebel Wilson, known for her roles in “Bridesmaids,” and more recently, “Pitch Perfect.”

“She really inspired me because she was just a way to show me that you do not necessarily have to go by society’s conventions of what you have to be, and you can still find success in what your passions are by just being yourself,” Atkinson said.

This sense of identity has been her key into the world of acting:

“It’s mainly just being okay with being vulnerable in front of people, and just not allowing yourself to be afraid to look stupid,” Atkinson said. “If you feel stupid, you’re probably doing it right is what I’ve heard a lot.”

Atkinson is currently making preparations to leave for New York in the fall. She plans on working as many jobs as possible over the summer to help fund her schooling, as everything from food to housing costs much more in the Big Apple.

Although her time as a Jayhawk has been short, Atkinson offers advice to students who are pursuing dreams that might seem out of reach at the present:

“Don’t give up just because things get tough, because they’re going to get tough; that’s just a fact of life, but that doesn’t mean that things can’t look up because miracles can always happen in the most unexpected of situations,” Atkinson said.