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My Experience Working in Retail: Described by Tiffany “New York” Pollard Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’ve ever worked in retail, you might be able to relate.

When a customer asks me how long the sale is going to last:

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When my manager goes to run an errand and leaves me the key to the store:

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My favorite coworker and I gossiping about our other coworkers:

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How I sit in the back room during a 15 minute break:

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When my manager finally says I can go to lunch:

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How I feel when a customer asks me to check the back for an item I already said we don’t have in stock:

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When a male customer is being creepy towards me:

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And lastly, when my manager tells me I can clock out early:

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Sophomore at the University of Kansas