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Must Try Fall Drinks and Recipe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Pumpkin spice lattes are fun for a while, especially when they first come out. But after ordering the same drink for an entire season, you almost get sick of it. 

Instead of ordering the same drink for months at a time, try adding in something different or changing up your usual order a couple of times. 

Not feeling inspired? Well here are a few of my favorite ways to change up my drink orders during the fall time. 

Pumpkin Spice Latte

irish coffee
Thimo van Leeuwen

Pumpkin spice lattes are a classic drink, but it can get a little boring ordering them every time you go to Starbucks. To change up your drink, order your pumpkin spice latte as an iced drink and add vanilla sweet cream on top. The sweet cream tastes amazing and complements the pumpkin!

Pumpkin Cold Foam Iced Coffee


Going along with the pumpkin theme, the cold brew version of this drink is a popular menu item. Personally though, I find that cold brew can sometimes be a little too much caffeine to have all at once. 

To help with this problem, I started ordering the pumpkin cold foam over iced coffee instead of cold brew. It does not hit you as hard with the caffeine which I prefer. Also, you can ask for an extra pump of vanilla in the iced coffee too if you like your drink more on the sweet side. 

Nitro Cold Brew

I know I just got finished talking about how much caffeine is in cold brew, but the nitro cold brew is a must try. It has a nutty, rich flavor and is for the real coffee lovers. If you are like me and caffeine affects you a lot, try just getting a tall (small) drink instead. 

I always add vanilla sweet cream cold foam on top of the nitro cold brew as well, but you can add whatever cold foam on top that you like. 

Hot Apple Cider

If you are not a coffee drinker, but find yourself at Starbucks with some friends, I would suggest the hot apple cider. This drink is a personal favorite of mine if I have already had too much caffeine for the day or I want something hot to sip on while I study. 

Medicine Ball Tea

Breakfast tea with flowers and strawberries
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

If you are feeling under the weather this fall, try out Starbucks’ medicine ball tea. The tea includes jade citrus mint tea and peach tea, steamed lemonade and honey. 

I personally drank this tea often when I was sick last fall, but it is also a great drink if you again just want something warm to sip on while you watch your online class at home.  

Pumpkin Protein Muffins

If you are not a coffee drinker, these pumpkin protein muffins are a must try! They are made with Kodiak Cakes, which are a healthier alternative to normal baking mixes, pancakes, etc. 

Here is the recipe:

2 cups Kodiak Cake mix

1 cup almond milk (or regular)

2.5 cups pumpkin puree

½ cup maple syrup 

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Cinnamon to taste

Optional: chocolate chips


Mix, divide into a greased muffin tin, and bake for 20 minutes in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven. 

Recipe credit: @madisonmealy on Instagram

My name is Miranda Horn and I am Journalism Major at the University of Kansas!