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Moriah Gerber ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.
Name: Moriah Gerber
Year: Freshman 
Age: 18
Major: Spanish and Business Administration
Hometown: Chaska, Minnesota 
Relationship: In a relationship
What was the highlight of your summer? Going cliff jumping!
What’s something most people don’t know about you? I’m secretly the sassiest person.
Since you’re from Minnesota, why did you decide to come to KU? For event planning. I want to be a special event planner someday and there are so many great connections in the event planning world here.
What’s your favorite pick up line? My friends bet I can’t talk to the prettiest girl. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?
Who’s your celebrity crush? Zac Efron. Who else? 
What are you getting involved in on campus? Greek life, SUA and just looking to meet new people!
What is your dream job? A wedding planner.
What are you binge watching on Netflix? “Orange is the New Black” and “New Girl.”
What are three words to describe yourself? Bubbly, outgoing and giggly.