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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


Name: Matt Kemple

Instagram: mattkemple

Major: Marketing & International business

Year in School: Senior

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Activities: Marketing Club, Hanging out in Summerfield all day, err day.

Off-Campus Activities: Server at On the Border, ballin’ at the rec.

Do you have any hidden talents? I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue…

Take me through your ideal date: I’d bring food and drinks out on a boat/yacht & we’d just hang out the entire day swimming & drinking. At night, we’d do some star watching, and depending on how much Moscato has been consumed, skinny-dipping may also be on the agenda.

What is your biggest flaw? I’m always late; Everyone always gets mad at me for it.

If your house was on fire and you could only pick one thing to save, what would it be? My new puppy, Leelo.

What’s the first thing you notice about a girl? Obviously the booty, but I like sexy eyes. A cute smile is also a plus.

What’s something girls do that you absolutely loathe? I hate when girls gossip about other girls. Just be confident and do your own thing.

If you had to pick an actor to play you in your life movie, who would you choose and why? Patrick Dempsey, old ladies always tell me I look like a young Dempsey. Hopefully I’ll grow up and be someone’s “McDreamy.”

What’s your favorite thing to do at KU? Getting’ rowdy in the Fieldhouse!

Favorite bar: Quinton’s

Favorite restaurant in Lawrence: I’m going to throw a curveball here and say Steak n’ Shake, as long as it’s after about 2 a.m.

Turn Ons: A girl who is funny, and plays hard to get. I like a challenge.

Turn Offs: Whiny girls. Let me specify: “Can we go?” “What took you so long?” etc., etc.

Who’s your man crush? Don’t act like you don’t have one. Matt Dillon or George Clooney. They’re just so distinguished!

Guilty pleasure: Singing! I’m awful, but who gon’ stop me?

Favorite dessert: Strawberry shortcake

Current favorite song: Red nose by Sage the Gemini or Southern Girl by Tim McGraw or Penny by Hanni El Khatib

If you had a million dollars, and could only spend it on other people, how would you spend it and on whom? My mom, I’m not a huge momma’s boy, I just love my mom. I’d probably get her a new BMW and a trip to Europe. Also, all my best friends! I’d get everyone a new car and fly them to some all-inclusive resort to just kick it for a couple weeks.

Favorite fall fashion piece on a lady: Scarves, something about em’ just instantly makes girls attractive.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl? Well it dates back to high school. I asked a girl to prom by making her entire driveway spell out ‘PROM?’ with mini candles. Shows how romantic I’ve been recently.

Where would we find you on a Friday night? Either hanging out drinking with my friends at the pad or down on Mass getting turnt.

If you were to take a girl home to Momma Kemple, what characteristics does she have to have? She has to be intelligent and friendly. If she comes off rude or senseless, it’s a no-go.

What motivates you? My parents, I do a lot to try to impress/not disappoint them.

What do you look for in a relationship? That is, if you’re even interested in one at the moment. I look for someone who respects me and doesn’t mind hanging out with my friends. Also, a girl who doesn’t hide things from me, you have to be open for a relationship to work.

Favorite movie: Dazed and Confused.

Give me your best pick-up line. Don’t act like you don’t have one: “What’s up, what’s up, I’m uncircumcised wanna party?”

If you could go back in time and give freshman Matt some advice, what would it be? Quit taking early classes… You’re not a morning person.

Celebrity Crush: Emma Stone or Hayden Panettiere

What can a girl do to get your attention? I am very sarcastic and dish out a lot of BS, so if she can dish it back she’s in.

If you had one superpower, what would it be? To be invisible, imagine all the shenanigans you could get into with that.

Three things on your bucket list before graduation: 1. Get a new all black Jeep Wrangler. 2. Save up enough for Europe. 3. Adding one more meaningful thing to my bucket list

Post-graduate plans? First, going to Europe for a few weeks and then moving to Philadelphia/New Jersey area.

Why do you think you’re a catch? Don’t be shy now. I’d like to think I’m funny; I get along with everyone. I also have a great family, friends and a lot going for me, so better jump on the coattails while you can, haha. :)