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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’ve never been to Life In Color, it’s time to add it to your bucket list.

Life In Color is a paint party concert usually featuring trap music groups and DJs. Even if that genre is not your cup of tea, the experience is incredible. On April 26, I went to the lovely town of Columbia, Mo., to see Cash Cash, Carnage and Candyland. I knew I had to take pictures so I bought a throw away camera. Throughout the concert paint is shot from hoses and canons, soaking the crowd. Paint bottles are even available for sale to squirt on people. I was covered from head to toe in paint and water. As a designer and artist, being completely covered in paint was a wonderful sensation. It was the most disgusting and beautiful thing I have ever experienced.

For anyone planning on going to life in color, which you should, here are some tips.

  1. Bring a really cheap camera: You’re going to want to get pictures of something you probably won’t ever do again.
  2. Wear sunglasses, or even chemistry goggles: Paint is everywhere and it hurts really badly when it gets in your eyes.
  3. Prepare to not be able to hear for three days: My ears rang to the point where I could not hear people talking right in my ear.
  4. Bring towels for the car ride home.
  5. Wear a sports bra: Your clothes will cling to you because they will be so wet. You also don’t want to ruin your favorite bra.