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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Whether it’s for fashion or whether it’s for the weather, one thing we’re definitely going to see this holiday season is scarves. Silk scarves, knit scarves, wool scarves, more scarves than you can shake a stick at!

Scarves provide opportunities to individualize your style while still keeping up with current trends. One of these ways is in the knot you use to tie your scarf.
(Left to Right: Jessie Ronci, Jenelle Huffman, Gabbie Davis, Chelsea Cullen)
Clearly, there are a wide variety of knots however one stands head and shoulders above the rest in popularity on campus – the infinity scarf!
Above we have Jessie Ronci, a sophmore illustration major, modeling the super chic double loop scarf. This nifty little ditty is everywhere this fall and winter season and is incredibly easy to pull off. If you’re looking for a scarf knot that goes with just about anything and still looks great, this is the knot for you!