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Justin Williams ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


Name: Justin Williams

Instagram: jayhawk_fitness

Major: Organismal Biology

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Campus Activities: Living in the library studying for my classes.

Activities Outside of Campus: My real passion is fitness. During the spring and summer months I compete in Men’s Physique Competitions across the United States, but besides that I love being outside. Whether it be snowboarding in the winter or wakeboarding in the summer. During the school year I spend most of my time studying, hanging out with friends, going to bars, or just being a nerd and playing video games.

Dream Occupation: Physician’s Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery

Favorite Artist: Drake

Favorite Movie: Space Jam or Lion King. Both have my #1 spot.

Turn Ons: This has to be answered in 2 parts because I have both physical and non-physical turn ons! Physically I’m a sucker for legs, a good smile, and sexy eyes. Non-physically, a girl, or rather a woman, who is confident, driven, and morally grounded are the sexiest traits a female can have!

Turn Offs: Laziness and pessimism are my biggest turn offs. I want a girl who sets goals and works to achieve them and sees the glass half full, not half empty

What does your perfect date look like? Take me through your day: My perfect date would begin by being served breakfast in bed (eggs, bacon, French toast…the works) followed by lying around wrestling for the remote and watching TV until about noon. After getting out of bed, we would go to the gym and workout, probably have a flex off, then go to the grocery store together and buy something for dinner. Although having dinner made for you is great, doing it together would be more fun. Over dinner we would probably change pace and have some form of an intellectual conversation while drinking wine. After dinner we’d go on a long walk until dark then return back to my place and finish the night by finishing the bottle of wine and watching a good movie. Simple and even might sound a bit cliché, but it’s relaxing, intimate, and would be fun with the right person.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what are 3 things you would take with you? 1. My iPod. If I’m not working or in class, there is a good chance I’m either listening to or having music on in the background. 2. My dog Max. He’s been my best friend for the past 8 years. 3. Gum. I go through half a pack a day.

Boob Guy or Butt Guy: Definitely a butt guy.

Celebrity Crush: Miley Cyrus…Kidding! I would probably have to say Mila Kunis.

What motivates you? My biggest motivation is my family. Knowing my family supports and believes in my success only drives me to attain my goals.

What’s your guilty pleasure? Ha, probably singing in my car when I’m driving. Regardless if the song is by a girl or guy. Even at stoplights with other cars by me.

Why do you think you’re a catch? Ha hmmm. Well I mean I’m driven, hardworking, and family oriented. I’m going into the medical field because I like taking care of people. I know how to treat a woman, I can you make you laugh, I’m a great cook,  I’m just weird enough to not be boring, and some would say I don’t look half bad without my shirt on.