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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

In an effort to channel my inner Andie Anderson (from the hit film, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days) and my inner child, I decided to give a how-to for getting back into reading as an adult. Many of us, myself included, want to get back into reading as adults; to escape, to daydream about the characters and scenarios, but there is never the right time, place, or book for us.

Here are 5 ways you can get back into reading (in no particular order).

Commit to a book club

Finding a book club, or a friend, you can talk to after reading may make you more motivated to read! At KU’s Her Campus chapter we have a book club that meets monthly, and although I’m new to it, I’ve never been more motivated to read. Discourse over media, especially a book, is one of the most fascinating and unique conversations you can have. Your reading journey is dependent on so many things; your past reads (especially your recent ones), your likes and dislikes, the environment which you read (we’ll get to this later), and how quickly/slowly you read. All these wonderful things make you unique as a reader, so share your perspectives, the ways in which you read, and your favorite (and not-so-favorite) things.

start simple

Unless you are completely committed to reading an age-long classical novel, do not start your reading journey with something complex. Finding a good simple book will spark your imagination more easily, and it will be easier to finish the book as well— once you finish one book you will feel absolutely invincible and you will want to read more! A simple, but fantastic author that I love is Emily Henry, author of books like Book Lovers and People We Meet on Vacation. Emily Henry explores tropes that we all know and love, in beautifully written books, and I could not recommend her enough for an out-of-a-rut read.

Side note: Re-read a book you used to love, and you may surprise yourself.

Environment is key

As I mentioned above, the environment in which you read makes a world of a difference in how you indulge in the book. Personally, I like to pile all my pillows against the corner of my bed, to the wall, and lay blankets on top of blankets to create the coziest space. When the air in my room is cold and crisp, I finally start reading. So make the environment the comfiest and best for you!

find good recommendations

Finding a YouTuber or TikToker whose recommendations you love and can trust every (almost every) time is one of the greatest things you can find when you are starting to read again. A lot of people, and you’ll know this if you are an avid recommendation-seeker, won’t have the same taste in books as you— you will read books you won’t fall in love with, but that’s the greatness of reading, you get to join some of the most niche and unique discourse!

bring your book everywhere

My current motto is: If I can bring my phone everywhere, why don’t I bring my book along for the journey too? In between the awkward minutes between leaving your car (after you arrive 10 minutes earlier than you were supposed to) and finally going inside the building you’re parked at, take out your book and read! In the mornings when you want to grab your phone, place your book a little closer to you so you can start your day reading! Your book is your friend in some of the quiet moments you get as a college student, so enjoy it!

hi, everyone! my name is archisa, i'm a second year undergrad majoring in speech-language and hearing! i'm so excited to be a part of the writing team!