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How to Have a Good Spring Break if You Aren’t Traveling

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

If you’re like me, you decided it would be better to save up some money and not go on a spring break trip this year. If you’re even more like me, you’re starting to get super jealous and sad hearing everyone express their excitement for the beach, the sun, the boys, the parties, and all things spring break. After some self reflection and coming to the conclusion that I just have major FOMO, I am forcing myself to find the positive in this decision of mine. Just because you aren’t traveling for spring break doesn’t mean that this week off from school has to be a total flop! You can still have a good, fulfilling spring break in your hometown, and here’s how.


  1. Spend quality time with your family. Just think, while all the people traveling for spring break are probably still drunkenly eating pizza every night, you’ll be eating a lovely meal made by your mom or dad. NOTHING beats a home-cooked meal when you come back from college. 

  2. Visit a museum or landmark in your hometown. Go somewhere you haven’t been before within your own city! You may learn things you never knew, find things you never expected, and you just might fall in love with your hometown all over again. I will definitely be exploring different parts of Kansas City this spring break.

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  3. Catch up on some sleep. Honestly, this might be what I’m most excited for. How sad is that? College is fun, but I think we can all agree that we’re pretty sleep deprived. Also, I am SO sick of my tiny, squeaky, hard-as-a-rock dorm bed. Words can’t describe the feeling of a good night’s sleep in your own bed.

  4. Do a little bit of spring cleaning. Okay, this may not be very fun, but I swear you will feel so accomplished and refreshed after clearing out some of that old junk from your room. I always like to clean out my closet every spring and make room for the new year of impulse purchases ahead of me. Also, one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure! Set up an Instagram account for your closet and sell some of the pieces you don’t want for cheap. Your friends will for sure want in on the action. It’s such an easy way to make a little bit of cash and to be productive at the same time.

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  5. Have a wine night with your gal pals who aren’t traveling either. Sometimes, a good wine night can beat a night of getting totally hammered… even if you’re on a beach. Pro tip: bring some fun games to play with your girlfriends. Make some spring break memories of your own!

  6. Reunite with your favorite coffee shop. We all have one. I know I do, and I miss it dearly. If you don’t have your absolute favorite coffee shop, go on a coffee crawl and find it! Everyone has a specific one that speaks to their soul and feels like home.

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  7. Pick up a couple of work shifts. I know, I know. Working usually sucks, but I promise you that you will feel way more accomplished when you come back to school with some cash and your friends come back from spring break broke as hell.




Hi there! I'm currently a Junior studying Strategic Communications in the Journalism school here at the University of Kansas. I hope you enjoy reading anything and everything I have to say!