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*Hopeful Romantic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.


February might be over, but the quest for love continues

A hopeless romantic is someone that is in love with love. They believe in fairytales, soul mates, and happy endings. They are the ones that cry at the end of “Titanic.” They read sappy romance novels with pictures of Fabio on the cover. They can’t seem to be happy alone. Hopeless romantics fall in love quickly, in hopes that they’ve found their special one. They are often disappointed when relationships don’t turn out how they’ve envisioned (aka how they do in the movies). Although, deep down, they are aware that the “boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl live happily ever after,” thing isn’t a common reality, it doesn’t stop them from hopelessly dreaming.

I was once this hopeless romantic. I’m the girl who daydreams about a prince bumping into her in the hallway. In fact, I already have my future wedding planned out down to the hors d’oeuvres and colors of the bridesmaid gowns (I’ve been thinking a light lavender; don’t judge me). “Hopeless romantic” was even in my Twitter bio at one point, that is, until I learned about the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction, also known as “The Secret,” is a belief that the thoughts that you put out into the universe will be what the universe gives to you. Therefore, using the word “hopeless” is getting you exactly what you’re asking for: hopelessness, bad luck, heartbreak and loneliness.

That is why the new term to use is hopeful romantic. Being a hopeful romantic is attracting the love that you desire by asking, visualizing and believing.  

1.    Ask

-Make a list of all the qualities that you want in your mate from looks, personality, interests and hobbies. Try not to have a specific person in mind or focus too much on looks, but do put details.

Ex: Tall, sense of humor, likes watching KU basketball


2.  Visualize

– Imagine how it would feel to be with this person watching the Jayhawks and laughing. Radiate those feelings of love out into the universe and you’ll attract those feelings into your life.



3. Visualize

-The most important step is to keep hope alive and believe that you deserve exactly what you want. Know that your guy or girl is coming and don’t settle for less. 


Lastly, don’t go crazy looking for love. I know I sound like your Grandma Pearl when I say “let love find you,” but from one hopeful to another, it’ll happen when it is supposed to happen and if you ask and believe, you will receive.