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Her Campus Back to School Survival Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are 100% our own.

This week, Her Campus KU was excited to receive our Back to School Survival Kit, courtesy of the Her Campus National Chapter! This thing had awesome goodies from (healthy) energy drinks to swag and even some office supplies.

First, let’s start with the Neuro Sonic Energy drink. This thing was awesome. Though I wasn’t much for the taste – sorry berry lovers – it was true to its word in saying that it gave me the energy that I needed to stay up and write this post! I was very alert and felt pretty good, which does not normally happen after I drink a Monster or something. PLUS, it’s great if you’re watching your weight because its only 35 calories! No guilt and great for the upcoming midterm season!

Speaking of no guilt: Luna Bars= best study snack ever. Tons of flavors and very filling.

Poppin. provided us with some awesome little notebooks and pens. The notebook will be perfect for creating a study schedule, writing notes or just keeping a journal. And the pens work great. And with multiple colors, your notebook with be more than beautiful!

AND THE HER CAMPUS SWAG. I love Her Campus products. They’re cute, they’re fun and they always make me happy to represent this brand. Our swag consisted of a bag, sunglasses and a clipboard. Perfect for our team to use for our upcoming events (make sure to check back soon for those!) and great to take with you on the go. 

Overall, I pretty much love what we’ve been given! With our Survival Kit, this year’s Her Campus KU team is sure to do amazing things! Make sure to look for us in the future for stories, events and more! #HCKU

Laura Lyndall Fagen is a junior at the University of Kansas majoring in Strategic Communications and Theater. She is a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters and loves all things volunteering.