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Having a Hard Time Focusing? Follow These 5 Tips and Crush Your Finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Let’s face it. When TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are only a click away, it’s hard to focus on our schoolwork. Even when we put away all the devices and distractions, it is still difficult to sit still and pay attention. Personally, I’ve always found it difficult to sit at a desk and study for hours, but in recent years it has become a necessity. Unfortunately, many of us can’t get away with not studying for tests anymore like we used to. So when studying seems nearly impossible, try out these tips to help increase your focus and ace your test. 

  1. Listen to Mind Music

Although we may want to jam out to our favorite songs, it doesn’t always promote learning. We could get distracted by the song, or just not be able to focus with music blaring in the background. If you’re having a hard time paying attention, I suggest turning on classical music or “ADHD” music. I personally listen to ADHD music on YouTube to help increase my focus. It’s a vibrational sound without words that allows me to focus on my work without sitting in complete silence. Studies show that classical music can actually increase memory retention and improve focus. Next time you study, try throwing on some mind music in the background and see if it aids your focus. 

  1. Put Away Distractions

Trust me, I know TikTok is addictive. I’ve spent way too many hours mindlessly scrolling when I should have been doing work. The best decision I made was deleting TikTok at the beginning of a really difficult week. Now I’m not saying you have to completely delete the app off your phone, but make it a priority to put your phone away or even set a time limit on the app so you don’t get distracted for too long. It may be a good brain break every once in a while, but definitely doesn’t encourage studying. As much as you would rather be watching funny videos, sometimes you have to put them away to get your work done. Whether you delete the app completely or just set it off to the side, getting rid of distractions will help you focus on the work you need to complete. 

  1. Eat 

I’m not a scientist or anything, but I have definitely noticed a difference in my ability to focus when I’ve eaten and when I haven’t. When you’re hungry, it’s extremely hard to focus on anything else, especially something you would rather not do. In my case, it can also make me aggravated and sick, which definitely doesn’t improve my mood. If you feel yourself spacing off, and can’t seem to focus on anything, try to think if you’ve eaten enough that day. Your body may be trying to tell you something. Listen to it. Get some food and then get right back to studying. 

  1. Get Good Sleep

If you get a terrible night of sleep, it is going to be hard to stay awake long enough to study. Even if you manage that, you will have a difficult time retaining any of the information. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night, especially before a test or a long day of studying. Even if you have to stop studying earlier in the night to ensure you get to bed at a good time, it is worth it. Scientists have found that sleep deprivation impairs memory and concentration, which will lead to poor studying. If you want to improve your study habits, start fixing your sleeping schedule. 

  1. Make A Study Plan

It’s easier to stay focused when you know what you need to get done. If you create a plan, and try to stick to it, it will feel like less work. When your work is all jumbled up, it sometimes feels impossible to get it all done. But if you make a plan, it feels more manageable. You don’t even have to hold yourself strictly to your plan. Just write out what you need to get done and try to finish as much as you can. And remember … you got this.