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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Well, would you look at that. Three wonderful college years have come and gone before what seems like I could even catch my breath. Let me start off by saying congratulations; you made it. The life-long friends, late night studying and unforgettable nights out have all been a part of this crazy, memorable ride. Going into senior year, I have been constantly reflecting on numerous occasions that at the time seemed “life-altering,” or the amazing times I never wanted to end. It has also been a challenging time accepting what has happened and embracing what is happening right in front of my eyes. I have made mistakes and learned several new things about myself that have shaped me into the person I am continuing to become today.

If I could tell my freshman self how amazing and challenging the next few years were going to be, and how important it is to stop comparing my experiences to those of others … man I would have saved myself a lot of overthinking. I would emphasize to her to not let the fear of rejection or failure keep you from trying something new and exciting. It is okay to try something and decide later that it is not a good fit, but at least you know you tried your best and you can move on. This also may be a good time to mention that it is OKAY to change your mind. Whether it is your major or your job: do not feel pressured to stick to something if it is not what you expected or hoped. I promise when one door closes, another one opens.

I would tell her to not feel guilty about the missed nights out due to family events or school obligations. There will be plenty of nights out with friends, and if it is not something that is serving you or helping you get through your week then it is not worth the headache. Your favorite bar is not going anywhere. Do not worry if friends come and go throughout the years. The real ones will stick by you, the others were just a chapter in your story. Remember, the quantity of friends is not nearly as important as the quality.

As I reflect on my past three years as a college student, my mind naturally wanders to questioning what I have done thus far. Did I take advantage of the college experience? Did I rise to the occasion? While the answer is still developing (senior year, you better be ready), I would tell my freshman self to be confident in the decisions you are about to make. Be okay with failing or not knowing what the right answer is at a given time; nobody truly ever does. And simply hold on tight to those who love you and want what is best for you, because the people who stick around during the bad times as well as the good ones were not placed in your life by accident.  

My expectations for senior year may be high, because if it is anything like the last three years then I am in for an absolute treat. Rock Chalk forever.


Lauren (who is currently in denial over the whole senior thing)

Hey :) I'm Lauren and I am senior at the University of Kansas! When I am not writing for HER Campus, you can find me spending time with my friends and family, enjoying the outdoors, or drinking too much coffee ;)