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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Ladies, if you’ve grown tired of the same old thing, pay close attention to what you’re about to read! This humble, soft-spoken cutie is one of a kind.

Name: Daniel Rhodes

Twitter/Instagram/FB: I’ve never had any form of social media…

Major: Physics

Year in School: Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Activities: Intramurals and playing basketball at the rec, playing Super Smash Bros with the guys in my schol hall.

Off-Campus Activities: Watching football all Saturday, then more on Sunday. Hanging out with friends and visiting my family.

Do you have any hidden talents? I speak a little Persian, which generally catches people by surprise.

Take me through your ideal date: Nothing extravagant, I just like to hang out. Going to a movie, then going to dinner somewhere we can just talk and relax for a while.

What is your biggest flaw? Procrastination. I always put things off until I really have to do them, especially schoolwork.

Life Motto: “Slow and Easy”

What’s the first thing you notice about a girl? If she has pretty eyes and a nice smile, I’m a goner.

What’s one thing you wish girls would do more? If you ever want a guy to come talk to you, just go talk to him instead. Confidence is attractive.

If you had to pick an actor to play you in your life movie, who would you choose and why? Tom Hanks, just so I can say I am somehow associated with Tom Hanks.

Favorite thing about KU: Definitely the atmosphere here, I really enjoy going to the different events that happen on campus.  

Turn ons: When a girl is friendly to everyone she encounters, even if she has no reason to be.

Turn offs: Girls who are condescending, girls who dumb themselves down and bad hygiene.

Guilty pleasure: Sleeping obnoxiously late into the day.

Momma’s boy? Yeah, definitely. I owe my mom a ton, she’s the best.

What type of music do you listen to? Almost exclusively rap, especially rappers from Strange Music.

Favorite thing to do on a Fall weekend: Relax, hang out with friends, watch football, and read.

What drives you? Seeing how successful my mother is, and I have a constant urge to learn new things.

Three characteristics your dream girl has to have: Smart, kind, and motivated.

Favorite movie: Warrior

Give me your best pick-up line. Don’t act like you don’t have one: When we go get breakfast tomorrow, do you want me to call you or nudge you?

Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis

How could a girl “woo” you? If I’m with a girl and we can just get lost in a conversation together, especially if it’s something she is really passionate about.

If you could be any superhero, who would you be? Dr. Manhattan.

Three things on your bucket list before graduation: Watch every KU sport live, stop being such a procrastinator, and become essentially fluent in Persian.

If you had an unlimited amount of money, what is one thing you would do and/or buy and why? Honestly I’d probably fund a lot of research, I would love to see what would be discovered if researchers never had to worry about money.

Why do you think you’re a catch? Don’t be shy now. Haha I have no idea. I just try to be myself and not take things too seriously. I always try to be kind to people, so I guess that’s one of my better qualities.