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7 Reasons to Dress with Respect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.
*These are the opinions of this writer and not necessarily of Her Campus or Her Campus KU as a whole
1. Because you don’t want to look like Miley Cyrus at the VMA’s. Although she is a respectable singer, her clothing choices are not. At the VMA’s she wore a ghastly teddy bear costume and then proceeded to rip it off showing her nude costume. If that teddy bear costume didn’t ruin your childhood, then I don’t know what will. 
2. You’re getting attention from all the wrong people. Let’s say you’re at the Hawk, and you see that girl with the bandage skirt and the low cut crop top. Mind you, it is the middle of the winter and there is a 45-minute line. She’s probably freezing in her sparkly stilettoes with a five-inch platform but she is getting all the whistles from the men she probably shouldn’t want whistles from. 
3. It’s not going to help your confidence issues. If you are not confident about yourself or your body, that doesn’t mean you should let it all hang out to get attention. The men that see that kind of behavior are, in the long run, turned off. We may have preconceived notions about college men, but in reality they aren’t that much different than us. 
4. Social media could ruin your life. Once it’s out there, it never goes away. Now lets say that the girl from the Hawk in her sparkly high heels is tagged in a picture on Facebook. That picture will be on the Internet for the rest of her life.
5. Your professors don’t want to see that picture on your Facebook profile. In some classes, you will be required to follow your professors. That means they have access to your accounts. Don’t let them see what you do with your weekends. It will make class a little bit uncomfortable.
6. And neither do your future employers. When you apply for a job in the future, a background check will be done. That means that employers can see everything you have ever tweeted, posted, or Instagrammed.
7. And I really don’t think your parents want to see that either. Imagine if your parents saw that picture on Facebook of the girl in the sparkly heels. Now imagine that picture was of you. Don’t be that girl.

To help everyone out who may not know how to dress classy, I found five fabulous women on this campus to help you understand what it means to dress in a way that respects yourself:

Lindsey Welsh (Accounting, @LindseyEWelsh)

Erin Fowler (Marketing, @EFowls)

Jayda Ayala (Psychology and Pre Occupational Therapy, @AyalaDaBalla)
Autrin Naderi (Strategic Communications, @autrinnaderi)
Maia Horn (Undecided, @maia_renee)
 If you don’t like the styles of these women I found on campus, look at Kate Middleton, Hilary Duff or Rachel McAdams. They have class and they have their lives together.
“A woman should be two things: classy and fabulous” –Coco Chanel. Live by that quote. In the words of Erin Fowler, “what would Kate Middleton wear (WWKMW)?”