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5 Reasons Why Not To Give Up On School Just Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

The end of the semester is creeping up on us faster than you may realize. If your morale is beginning to disappear, here are five important elements in your life that will help you get back on track and finish the semester in one piece.

Comfort Foods: Food and lots of food. Always. I understand that you may be a broke-college student (aren’t we all) but you need to stock up on all your favorite foods, especially chocolate, coffee, and anything fattening that makes you happy. I’m a strong believer that food is happiness and with a well stocked pantry/shelf/fridge, school and life in general won’t be so dreadful.

Supportive Friends: Surround yourself with friends that are hardworking, encouraging, and positive. If all your friends are pessimistic and don’t care about school, you should go to the library and meet some new friends who actually care about school and their future. When you are around people who care about their grades, you feel obligated to take action as well. 

Drinking: Finals are approaching really fast so obviously it is time to focus more on school, but not entirely. The weekend nights are still weekend nights, meaning you need to go out or at least hang with some friends. Although alcohol is not a necessity, it tends to have a stress relieving affect and allows one to have a good time after a terrible week of school. If alcohol isn’t your thing, coffee and caffeine in any form are other great motivators.

Sleep: Something that every college student could always use more of always. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get a sufficient amount of sleep and feel completely revived the next day. If you are a morning person, go to sleep a little earlier and wake up earlier to do you homework and study. Vice versa for night people: if you are an owl and like to stay up all night, then go to bed really late, study all night, and reward yourself by sleeping in late the next morning

Music: Whether you are into the oldies, hip-hop, jazz, or Taylor Swift, music has lots of power and influence on your life.  In the weeks leading up the finals, I recommend listening to empowering songs that make you feel invincible. Stay away from the blues or depressing music and rather listen to inspirational, badass music that’ll pump you up to pull that much needed all-nighter.