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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

I am disgustingly excited for Frozen 2. I’m sure most people are dreading it because of the overhype that the first movie had and the fact that ‘Let It Go’ was played nonstop all over the world for months. I can’t help it though, I loved the first movie, and even though people made the franchise a nuisance, it’s still a fantastic movie. The characters are complex, the animation was beautiful, and the plot was exciting. There’s a reason it won an oscar. Six years have gone by since the first movie aired, and after all the hype, there was no question that Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee planned on making a Frozen 2. Now it’s just around the corner! There are a million reasons to get excited about this movie, but magically I was able to dwindle it down to five. 



New outfits 

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Something that always bothers me about Disney movies is the lack of outfit changes they give their characters. I get it though, it’s hard to design and animated fancy princess dresses for a film, but it seems like Disney isn’t holding back with Frozen 2. According to the trailers and clips from the movie, Elsa has three new designs. Anna, I believe, has three as well, and Kristoff is also getting some fun new looks. What I’m most excited about, however, is the new hairdos for Anna and Elsa. Having both of them with braids for the entire first movie was not very fun, and after Moana, designing Anna and Elsa’s hair down was probably a piece of cake.


The Plot

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The plot to the first movie was INCREDIBLE. I love every second of it, and I did not see the twist at the end coming. Sure, when Hans leaned in to kiss Anna, I was expecting the whole oh he doesn’t love her type of thing, but I did not think he’d be the bad guy! It was so good because they used the Duke of Weselton as a decoy. Genius. The movie definitely has a much darker tone to it. The creators at Disney are barely releasing any footage or information on the movie, so I think we can expect big things from Frozen 2 and, hopefully, another jaw-dropping plot twist.


New Characters 

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There are quite a few new characters we can expect to see in Frozen 2, including the King and Queen themselves, but so far just in flashbacks. In the first movie, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna are seen only briefly in the first film, and then they’re (of course) killed off. Is this Disney? Yes. Besides the King and Queen of Arendelle, you can also expect to see a slew of other new characters, which include previous Arendelle guards and members of an ancient tribe called the Northuldra and MANY mythical creatures. All I can wonder is who will be our villain this time.



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Okay, I get it. ‘Let it Go’ was the most annoying thing you’ve ever heard. Well, the only reason it’s annoying is because little kids everywhere were singing it for over two years. You know why? BECAUSE IT’S A GREAT FRICKING SONG. It touched the hearts of little kids everywhere, and before it became annoying, I bet you loved it too. So hear me out! The score for this movie is going to be HUGE. The soundtrack includes three post-credit renditions from Panic! At the Disco, Kasey Musgraves, and Weezer. If some of the most incredible people in the music industry want to do renditions for the Frozen 2 soundtrack, then you’re definitely going to want to hear them. The Panic! At the Disco rendition has already been released, and it slaps. Disney is known for its music because they can hire the best in the business and because they put extreme amounts of effort into their soundtracks. Give them the recognition they deserve and get excited because these songs are going to be incredible.



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This kind of ties into plot, but I made it its own section because it’s a very big deal for this movie. The one thing that the first Frozen movie was missing was explanations and backstories. Why does Elsa have powers? Where did they come from? How did her dad know about the magical trolls? These are questions that the second movie plans on answering. 



Okay, so I hope you’re all good and excited. You better be, because I am. This movie is going to be amazing. It’s rumored to be the first sequel to win Best Animated Feature at the Oscars. Frozen 2 is expected to hit theaters November 22, and tickets are on sale now. 

Hi! I'm Olivia or Liv! I am a Junior studying English at the University of Kansas. My Minors include theater and strategic communications. Im from the great state of Colorado. I love dogs, cookies, and skiing and I hate it when people move to Colorado and block up I-25.