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23 Ways College is Exactly Like Cast Away

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Four years. Four years is how long Tom Hanks was stranded on a deserted island. Four years is how long the education of the average student lasts. Coincidence?

1. You go college expecting it to be the normal college experience that you see on TV and hear about. It’s the next step/social norm after high school. You say bye/see you soon to your loved ones.

2. You’re think you’re ready but realize that you’re terrified; you’re supposed to be an adult now. Here goes nothing.

3. The first semester is a rocky one. You’ve never done this college thing before. How are you supposed to balance a real social life and real grades?

4. You will feel a little alone. No one else is on your metaphorical college island life.

5. Care packages from mom/dad/____ will be part of your salvation. It’s almost like a reward for staying in school.

6. Hangovers. Gnarly.

7. Your textbooks will seem useless at times. What do you do with this?

8. You’re hungry. All the time. Microwaving ramen noodles isn’t so bad. The cafeteria is so far, and you’re out of meals for the week.


9. There will be a storm of rough essays and exams. You’ll make it through, though it can get gruesome and rocky at times.

10. You’ll surprise yourself. Hey look at that A-. You go. 

10. Help. Anyone? Somebody?

11. Making it through your first year. You feel like you could survive alone on an island. You’re a real, smart college student now.

12. You’re familiar with your surroundings now. You know how to navigate campus and drinking.

13. Just keep going. You’ll meet challenges but you push through. Sometimes you won’t know what you’re doing.

14. Finals. They’re always going to be hard. Sink or swim.

15. You learn to be resourceful. You know things you didn’t before and you’ve got new skills.

16. You’ve finished a second year. You’re halfway done, but who’s counting?

17. You  make friends. You will meet people that make you question how you lived without them in your lives.

18. You lose friends. Not all friendships last a lifetime and everyone is busy finding themselves, people change.

19. You start building your resume. You’re trying to leave the island that is college and prepare yourself for the voyage to the real world.

20. You wait. There is going to be a moment when you know you’re ready and you know it is right.

21. Leave your mark. Whether it is on a desk in a lecture hall or the wall of a dingy college bar. You need people to know you were here. 

22. Graduation. You decide it’s time to leave the comfort of your island of college (or you are forced to leave). It’s time to get out there and get to your next stage of life.

23. Sail the rough waters of unemployment for a while. Someone WILL find you, don’t worry. But you have to be prepared for anything. Hold on.




Kansas raised (no not on a farm) but forever seeking the wanders of the world. She's one part human, one part hairspray, and one part sawdust. Her happiness is rooted in dabbling in various avenues of creative expression. Pursuing an BFA in Industrial Design and minors in Italian and Strategic Communication, she's a full time student and part time hair stylist. You can find her at the dog park, sharing an ice cream cone with her hound or at a coffee shop downtown.