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14 Ways to Spread Love This Valentine’s Day That Don’t Involve a Significant Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

‘Tis the season for larger-than-life teddy bears, chocolate hearts, and sappy love letters. For some, Valentine’s Day is the best time of the year, but for others it means total misery wrapped up in a single cupid-filled day. For me, it is the latter, and let me tell you, it is easy to feel down in the dumps.

Though you may be inclined to spend the day wallowing in loneliness, you can still make the effort to be positive and surround yourself with love. Don’t have a boo this year? That’s okay! Valentine’s Day doesn’t necessarily have to be all about couples and romantic love stories. There are many small things you can do to spread some love and positivity that don’t involve a significant other. Keep reading for some ideas! 

  1. Pay it forward. This simple act of kindness goes a long way. Go to a local Starbucks (or any favorite place you have) and pay for the person behind you. There are more than just the traditional ways of spreading love and this is guaranteed to make someone’s day a whole lot better.
  2. Call or reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Valentine’s Day is all about love, but love does not have to mean a significant other. Take the time to talk to an important person in your life that you haven’t spoken to in a while. It may be random, but that will make it all the more special!  
  3. Write a letter of appreciation to someone you can’t live without. Written letters are so meaningful, especially nowadays with an abundance of technology right at our fingertips. Taking the extra time to put a pen to paper and express your appreciation will make someone feel special and cherished. 
  4. Make cute Valentine’s day treats for your friends. Baking treats for any holiday is a great way to celebrate! You don’t need to have a significant other to get into the holiday spirit and make cute themed treats. Whip up some love in the form of brownies, cookies, or your favorite dessert!
  5. Smile and give hugs. It may be cheesy but flashing a random smile to someone on the street or giving out hugs to people you care about are little ways to share some love and positive vibes.
  6. Send a care package. Care packages are thoughtful and show people that you put effort into thinking about them. I love putting together care packages, especially for my friends, because it makes them so happy when they receive them! Get creative and make a cute themed care package for someone! Image Credit
  7. Go around doing small acts of kindness. Take those few extra seconds to hold the door open for someone or compliment a random stranger. It can really make a difference in a person’s day. 
  8. Pass out Hershey kisses. Who needs real kisses when you can have Hershey kisses? Free chocolate will instantaneously make anyone’s day better. So grab a bag of Hershey kisses and pass them out (and save some for yourself of course)!
  9. Volunteer. You know if you are alone you are going to spend the whole day in bed watching Netflix and wondering why you don’t have a bae to cuddle with. Instead, make better use of your time by volunteering and helping others. It will get you mind off of everything and you will feel so much better about yourself by doing stuff for other people!
  10. Take the time to really listen to someone. Sitting down and asking someone how their day was or how they are doing can really make an impact. You never know who might need to talk something out. This is an amazing way to show you care about the people around you. 
  11. Donate change to charities. Do you have annoying change that’s jingling in your pocket or taking up space in your wallet? Donate some of it next time you’re at a store checkout, or see a donation station! You may not see your impact in action, but a person in need will end up really grateful!Image credit 
  12. Tell your parents/family “Thank you for all they do”. It is easy to take family for granted but your family can be your biggest support system. It is important to let them know you appreciate all they do for you once in a while. 
  13. Find a friend who is spending the day alone and host a cute girls night for the two of you. Or find a group! Galentine’s day is a thing. Make a nice dinner or set up a cute spa/movie night. Your friends will really appreciate the effort and you’ll actually have plans and have fun!
  14. Pamper yourself. Finally, don’t forget to spread the love all the way back to yourself. Self-care and self-love are both so important. Alone time can be a good thing. Pop your favorite bath bomb into a hot bath, do some yoga, throw on a face mask, and do small things that make you happy. Image credit 
Freshman at the University of Kansas