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Why Kate Spade is the Ultimate Fempowerment Brand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Out of all the high-end brands I can’t afford, Kate Spade is my favorite. Browsing through their products, you can tell that the brand aims to celebrate eccentric, successful women.

I recently fell desperately in love with this season’s products and I’m so excited to tell you why:

It Can Organize Your Busy Life

Kate Spade knows that life can get hectic, but this baby-blue agenda helps to simplify it all. It contains yearly, monthly, and weekly views so can plan your academic and social life in a way that’s right for you. My favorite part about it is the saying on the cover because it inspires me be the type of woman Kate Spade believes I am.


Using the “Long List,” you can create lists concerning anything. Whether it be need-to-buy groceries or places to explore in Knox County, the design makes the task exponentially cuter.


It’s Unapologetic

This chocolate-milk inspired bag is reminiscent of my life before Peirce, when sometimes the only redeeming part of my public school meal was my carton of chocolate milk. I never thought a milk carton would manifest itself into a bag, but Kate Spade had the vision to make it. She pushes boundaries, yet maintains a unique charm and sophistication.


Kate Spade is clearly onboard with Tom Haverford’s motto, “Treat yo’self.” Like how treating your significant other to a nice dinner shows that you love and appreciate them, treating yourself to a facial, new fall boots, or a Kate Spade bag can be a token of love and appreciation for yourself. There is no shame in knowing your worth!

Knowing your worth means you do not deserve to be put in an uncomfortable or degrading position. You are worth more than the catcalls you receive or the outfits you wear. If other people forget that your body is your body, then Kate Spade has got you covered.

It’s Inspiring without being Cliche

Kate Spade knows that sometimes we need a gentle push to let go of the fears that prevent us from being extraordinary. These candles serve as subtle reminders to go and get the most out of life.

The vase reads: “I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck, with freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?” Kate Spade reminds us that the best things in life are simple, and appreciating their beauty will bring happiness.

It Grows With You

Kate Spade knows that a woman’s life is never stagnant. They are constantly evolving, learning, growing and experiencing, and Kate Spade loves to be taken along for that ride.

Whether you’re working for your PHD or working at a corner office, the beige-black, structured handbag shows that you’re versatile, smart, and that you mean business.

The “MrandMrs” clutch bag is for a blushing bride to wear at her wedding reception. The license plate design and the car on top make this piece truly unique. After the big day, it becomes a beautiful and original token that will last forever.

It’s hard to believe that the striped tote bag is actually a baby bag! I think the most beautiful and inspiring women are mothers, and this bag makes sure they’re also fashionable.

Kate Spade is a classic brand that inspire generations of women and girls to be bold, sophisticated and strong. I’m personally in love with this brand. So, mom and dad, if you are reading this and are wondering what I want for my birthday coming up, know that Kate Spade is, and always will always, be a sure bet.


Image Credit: Kate Spade

I'm a first-year at Kenyon College. I was raised in Staten Island, New York. I'm a Scorpio. I'm a delicate balance between introvert and extrovert. I'm into Environmental Science and Politics. I'm super excited to be part of Kenyon's Her Campus team. Go Ladies!
Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.