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What to Expect from Your First Parents’ Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Midterms are over, the leaves are finally starting to change, the prettiest weekend of the year approaches…this can only mean one thing: Parents’ Weekend is nearly upon us! With the arrival of so many new visitors on the Hill paired with the prospect of seeing your parents for the first time after having been apart for nearly two months, your first Parents’ Weekend can be a little daunting. Here are a few tips to help you get through it and make the best memories possible!

1. It can be hard to fit everything in, and that can get stressful, so don’t put too much pressure on you and your family to make every moment perfect. I know that whenever I see my family here time can seem far too short, and I get stressed out trying to fit everything in, from shopping in Columbus to dinner at my favorite restaurant. But the most important thing is to just spend time with them, so don’t stress if you’re not able to fit everything in. Even just walking around campus or going to dinner in Mount Vernon can be really satisfying.

2. There are going to be parents in your classes, and yours might want to sit in on class too. It can be a little daunting to feel like you have to perform in class for your mom or dad, but chances are they’re just excited to see what you’re learning. They might even miss their own college experience. Just be your normal self in class and don’t worry too much. At the very least, it’ll ensure you all have something to talk about if you’re nervous about talking about someone of your recent weekend activities.

3. They’re going to want to see all around Kenyon, so show them some of your favorite places! Take them for a walk on the Gap Trail (its gonna look gorgeous this time of year), get some bookstore ice cream, or check out some of the events on campus! (Just beware that there may be long lines at places like Wiggin St).

4. You might feel more homesick when they leave, and that’s ok! I know it was really hard for me last year to have a small taste of home and have it end so quickly. After your family leaves, Thanksgiving can seem very far away. But before you know it, you’ll be back in the swing of things at school. Just take care of yourself that night and know that things will get better again soon!

5. It’s okay if your parents can’t make it—this is the perfect opportunity to take a weekend when most people will be busy entertaining their families to spend some much needed “me time.” Watch some Netflix, read a book for fun, paint your nails, or take yourself on a walk. If you feel homesick, you can always call or Skype your family and have a virtual Parents’ Weekend.

Parents’ Weekend can be an overwhelming experience, but my best advice is to not worry about it too much and just enjoy the chance to show off Kenyon to your family!  Have a great weekend, Kenyon!  


Image Credit: Flickr, Kenyon, The Kenyon Thrill, New Mom on the Blog

Rebecca is a senior English major and American Studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She is from Alexandria, Virginia and has written for Her Campus since freshman year. 
Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.