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A tête-à-tête with Kelly Anderson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Kelly Anderson           
 Year: Senior
Major: Film
Relationship Status: Taken
Residence: Taft Apartments
What are you involved with on campus?
I am a co-president of KFM, the Kenyon filmmakers. I’m an Archon. I’m a teaching assistant for the Intro to Film class, a tour guide, and I work at Middle Ground.
So far second semester senior year is….
The future…
Is later.

Fair. What are your plans for this weekend?
I’m going to Fandango, hopefully put together enough to talk to professors.
What professors are you most excited to drink and/or dance with?
Paul Gebhardt. I love Paul Gebhardt. I feel like he would be a fabulous dancer.
Do you think any professors will accompany us to the Cove?
Jon Sherman will probably show up out of pure curiosity.
So tell me about the film major. Josh Radnor’s new movie is pretty exciting.
There are six of us [senior majors]. And it’s a pretty tight group. I read an article this past week reporting that we were a male-dominated major, which is statistically true, but I don’t think that’s a defining quality. We all help out with each other’s projects. It’s a very collaborative effort. Film majors have the choice to either direct, write, or act in their thesis [a short film] and most of us are directing and writing. I think it’s a great addition to Kenyon because it combines our two strongest majors, Drama and English. It’s a great place for the major. And Jon Sherman is fantastic.
Do you have hopes of being the next Josh Radnor?
I want to get into producing, or acting. Whichever comes first. Josh was exactly what I would expect from a Kenyon grad who has found success: he wears jeans and is nice to people.
What legacy do you want to leave at Kenyon?
I want Kenyon women to understand that the film industry really should be a level playing field, and that taking risks and hard work is all you need to get started. I hope that Kenyon women see film as a form of creative expression. I, along with several other people, fought really hard to have the film program exist and it would be great to see more women involved in it. Especially with the Kenyon filmmakers.
What’s left on your Kenyon bucket list?
Skinny dip in the Kokosing. I want to finish the Gap Trail. Move the Beta rock. Figure out what GDI means.
What has been your best Kenyon weekend? Or best Kenyon memory?
Probably freshman year, hanging out on a blanket outside with my new hallmates. Oh that sounds so cheesy… Everytime I go to Tim Shutt’s Dante class.
Top movie recommendation?
All About My Mother by Pedro Almodóvar. It’s about accepting people who are different from you. And it features really hilarious transvestites. It’s my favorite movie.
What’s it like to have a friend with the same name and hair color as you?
It’s like having a surprise sister! Sister clone!
It’s the best thing ever.
It’s wonderful.
Who are Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon?
Cody Shankman and Gill Gualtieri. Everyone knows them, loves them, and they have a hand in seemingly every activity on campus.
Best place to hook up on campus?
Definitely the BFEC. But you gotta be careful. Sometimes that grass is not as tall as you think it is. Maybe the radio station. It’s usually unlocked. Not the Cove.


Caroline Black is a senior Drama major at Kenyon College. In addition to co-founding and writing for her school's HC branch, Caroline is co-president of Beer and Sex, Kenyon's student-run freshman orientation program (and she enjoys making jokes about that title as much as you do). When she's not doing hippy-dippy acting warm-ups or volunteering with her service organization, The Archon Society, Caroline enjoys watching "Parks and Recreation" and dismaying her friends with terrible puns.