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Sites we Love: HelloGiggles

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Ever find yourself bogged down by slews of sad articles on your favorite news site?  Tired of staring down headlines that can spoil a day?  If you’re looking for something a bit brighter, check out one of my favorite websites, HelloGiggles.  Founded in 2011 by three multi-talented women, Zooey Deschanel, Molly McAleer, and Sophia Rossi, HelloGiggles thrives on the concept of being the “ultimate entertainment destination for smart, independent and creative females” and happens to be the perfect place to find a hint of inspiration or good news on the Internet.

I’ve been following HelloGiggles since the beginning, and I can attest that their promise to create a positive online community rings true.  News on HelloGiggles includes pieces featuring up-and-coming artists, advice about anything from “How to Throw the Best ‘Girls’ Season Premiere Party, Ever” to “25 Things to do Before Turning 25,” and wonderful, well-written pieces that fall into categories such as “Beauty,” “Social Studies”, and “Home.”

I’ve highlighted a few faves from the site’s archives, but it’s worth a click on over here to see for yourself:

“Why It’s Important To Take A Day Off”

“This Will Save Your Life Someday and You Can Thank Me Later”

“A Daily Meditation: Practice Focusing on the Good”