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The Perfect Lizzo Song for Whatever Mood You’re In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Unless you’re new to my Her Campus articles, you probably know that I harbor an endless supply of love for the Minneapolis-based singer, songwriter, and flutist, Lizzo. She is an icon of monumental proportions, and her music inspires me to love myself even when it’s hard. However, for some reason queen Lizzo is only now starting to get the shine she deserves, despite being far from a new-comer to the music field. So, in order to introduce Lizzo to those of you who may not know and love her like I do, I am here to deliver a list of Lizzo songs for whatever mood you might be in.


Sadness: ‘Coconut Oil’

‘Coconut Oil’ is just the right blend of introspectiveness, optimism, and reflection. It’s both comforting and chill, as well as being vaguely uplifting, but not in a way that’s in your face. It’s truly the perfect bop for when you feel like crying, but also want to be reminded that things are going to be ok. Lizzo reminds us to “not worry about the small shit” and focus on growth over time, and that’s really the mentality I’m about. Self-improvement is all about focusing on how far you’ve had to travel to get where you are, and to appreciate every step (or misstep) along the way.  


Hype for a Night Out: ‘Scuse Me’ or ‘Juice’

Straight up, both these songs are so, so good. ‘Scuse Me’ is all about working your body and loving the skin you’re in, and it’s the perfect song to listen to when you’re putting on those extra pops of highlighter or putting on the finishing touches to your favorite going-out outfit. It reminds us all that our bodies are our own and are not for anyone else’s consumption or enjoyment, and that true self-love comes from within. Like Lizzo says, “I don’t need a crown to know that I’m a queen.” Juice is also a great hype song, but mainly just because it makes you want to dance. I haven’t met a single person who hasn’t wanted to at least shimmy a little in their seat or tap their feet while hearing this song for the first time, and if you don’t believe me, try it for yourself!


Seeking Empowerment: ‘Good as Hell’, ‘En Love’, or ‘Truth Hurts’

Look, I’m not trying to hate on men. Lizzo certainly doesn’t hate on men (see my next song suggestions for proof). I think men can be great, compassionate, thoughtful and smart humans. That being said, If you just went through a bad breakup or you just feel upset with men for whatever reason, these songs are a great f-you to the patriarchy and to the BS idea that women need men to be whole, complete people. No one needs a significant other to be considered a valid or worthy person, and Lizzo knows this! There’s no need to stay with a person who doesn’t appreciate you, and there’s also no shame in “putting the sing in single”, like Lizzo. Sometimes what people really need is self-love.   


In Love/Lust: ‘Boys’ or ‘Cuz I Love You’

In honor of the recently passed holiday of Valentine’s day, I felt I simply must include a song for all the lovers out there. Both of these songs are really lovely representations of different stages of love— from initial crushes and feelings of lust to true and deep feelings of love and emotional connection. Honestly, coming from someone in a stable relationship, both of these songs are staples when I’m feeling especially focused on expressing or exploring how I’m feeling bout my partner. I’d highly recommend them for fun/flirty playlists!  


Now, I could keep going, but I could honestly do this forever and at some point I feel like a broken record. The main point of this article is that Lizzo is wonderful. She’s versatile, talented, and very intentional in her music. If you don’t listen to her, you should! She’s honestly worth your time, I promise. You will most likely keep listening and feel inspired, empowered, and heard. This is Lizzo’s magic. And when her new album drops april 19th, you can best believe I’ll be listening. Will you?

Image Credits: Feature, 1, 2, 3, 4

Maggie hails from a southwestern suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. She's a lover of baking (especially apple pies & banana bread), swimming, reading, hiking, and biking. A Junior at Kenyon College, Maggie is an Environmental Studies Major with a concentration in Scientific Computing.
Paola is a writer and Co-Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Kenyon. She is an English major at Kenyon College with a minor in anthropology. In 2018, she won the Propper Prize for Poetry, and her poems were published in Laurel Moon Literary Magazine. She loves her friends and superheroes and the power language can hold. Mostly, though, she is a small girl from Texas who is trying her best.