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Our Favorite Moments of the Golden Globes (aka Hollywood’s Favorite Shit Show)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Did you miss the Golden Globes? It’s fine, check out our list of the top 10 best moments of the show:

  1. The opening monologue

Our girls Tina and Amy KILLED IT. They were funny without being mean, and sassy without being bitchy. Maybe we’re biased because they’re our heroes, but who cares, they rocked. Highlight: Amy tells us that she trusts director Kathryn Bigelow’s depiction of torture in Zero Dark Thirty because “when it comes to torture, I trust the lady who spent three years married to James Cameron.” We reached out to the Avatar director but he declined to comment.


  1. Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell

They stole the show. Presenting the award for best actress in a motion picture comedy or musical, they attempted to describe the movies…clearly not having seen them. Hilarity ensues. SNL FTW (for the win).  

  1. Adele

Ok. She high fived James Bond so casually, and she is the only person who could make that look totally casual. She’s just the best.

Bonus: Taylor Swift made this face:

image via crushable.com

While Adele made this face:

  1. Fake best actress characters

Tina and Amy went undercover and posed as best actress TV nominees for some shows that are seriously ridiculous. PS: we think wigs are funny, and so do you.

Watch (Amy’s here at the :46 mark)

Watch (Tina’s here at the :46 mark)


  1. Amy sitting on George Clooney’s lap and canoodling with him

This was funny AND cute. Classic Amy, classic Clooney, everyone’s drunk, nobody cares, everybody wins!

  1. When things started getting sloppy…

Tina and Amy congratulate Lena Dunham for beating them in the best actress TV comedy category. Also: Drunk. Glenn. Close. There are no words.


  1. Paul Rudd reminding us that he’s a great guy

The teleprompter broke when he and Salma Hayek were presenting an award, so he improved his way out of awkward. Nicely done, sir.

  1. Every time they cut to Ang Lee cause he’s so cute

HE IS A PANDA BEAR. And a genius.

Look how cute he is when he’s waving!!!!

  1. Lena Dunham winning

Lena has officially arrived, and now the whole world knows it. She was clearly really nervous, but its ok—here’s to the first of many acceptance speeches, Lena!


  1. Quentin Tarantino being a psycho

His acceptance speech was bizarre and somehow he managed to make everyone uncomfortable within the span of 30 seconds. He also did a perfectly timed spit take with his champagne while the camera was on him, leaving us all to wonder—is he crazy, or brilliant? Some things never change.

Noticeably absent from the list: Jodie Foster’s lifetime achievement award speech. It was weird. We think she was saying something profound but we have no idea what it was.

Honorable mention: Jennifer Lawrence just for being there and being herself.

P.S. Here’s a video of just the Tina and Amy parts from the show. Bookmark it for when you’re feeling sad.

Sara is a senior English major, Art History minor, and Women's and Gender studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She was born and raised in Manhattan and never dreamed she would attend college surrounded by cornfields. She has spent two summers as an editorial intern at ELLE Magazine. She always has a magazine (or three) with her. She loves her role as Kenyon's Campus Correspondent!