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Last Minute Ideas for Shock Your Mom

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

The time has come where all of Kenyon gathers in the fishbowl that is Gund Ballroom and lets go of any dignity and decorum we pretend to have in class. Disgusting and scarring it may be, but for all the freshmen deciding if it is worth leaving your cozy room for, it is. Use one of these easy, last minute costume ideas and pop over, even if it’s just to witness the sheer madness that is Shock Your Mom. You will never look at your classmates the same way.

1. Republican/Democrat

A classic option, wear a T-shirt supporting the political party you didn’t vote for. For most people here at Kenyon, this would mean wearing a Ron Paul or Mitt Romney shirt and sporting some red accessories. Not scandalous enough for your taste? Just take a pair of scissors to that T-shirt.


2. Pregnant

Wear anything. Just stick a balloon or basketball under your shirt.

3. Athlete

A sports team may throw the party, but many of us here at Kenyon think of exercise as briskly walking down Middle Path with your nose in a book. Tennis shoes, running shorts, and a sports bra or a friend’s basketball/lacrosse/football shirt are all you need. A sweatband would really complete the look, but that’s probably not going to happen because (a) no nerd owns one, (b) no one wants to borrow one, and (c) those couple bucks would be better spent on a cookie at Wiggle Ground.  

4. The Morning After Look

You can easily throw this together the day of the party. Borrow a button-up shirt from one of your guy friends, rock some messy hair and makeup, and finish with a pair of heels. Just be prepared to deal with blisters and shin splints the next several days from four hours of dancing in three-inch heels.

5. Anything that you wouldn’t be comfortable wearing to class.

Throw on a pair of short shorts and a tiny summer top five minutes before you leave, because, let’s be honest here, no one is going to care about your outfit.

Sara is a senior English major, Art History minor, and Women's and Gender studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She was born and raised in Manhattan and never dreamed she would attend college surrounded by cornfields. She has spent two summers as an editorial intern at ELLE Magazine. She always has a magazine (or three) with her. She loves her role as Kenyon's Campus Correspondent!