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Kenyon Astrology: The Presidential Candidates Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

It’s no secret that the upcoming presidential election has stirred up a lot of talk lately. I was never really interested in politics, but lately I’ve attempted to at least educate myself on the basic information surrounding the election, and the major issues that the candidates want to tackle if elected.

However, there is ultimately a problem with young voters, and the assumption that young people just don’t care. And while I am surprisingly interested in this election, I recognize that a lot of my friends, and generally people my age, aren’t interested in the election because it isn’t relatable to their day-to-day lives (we don’t want to grow up, okay?).

Before I begin, a couple of disclaimers: Disclaimer #1: These are not the only presidential candidates, just four from each party that currently are the most well known and ranking higher in the polls. Disclaimer #2: Astrology is more for the sake of good fun than for deciding who should be the president of the United States, so please don’t go vote for someone just because of their zodiac sign. 

So without further ado, I thought that I would take the presidential candidates and analyze the election in a way that is bit more fun! Here are the presidential candidates and their zodiac signs.



Hillary Clinton (Scorpio)

I don’t know about you guys, but if I had a dime every time I heard someone call Hillary a bitch…well let’s just say that I could eat at the VI for every meal. Many say that Hillary comes off as unemotional or cold, when in fact it may just be the fact that she’s a classic Scorpio. Scorpio strengths are their loyalty, passion, and resourcefulness. Their weaknesses are their tendencies to be suspicious or mysterious, and don’t always show their true motives. However, Scorpios are incredibly independent and driven, and always able to accomplish what they put their minds to. Like we can see with Hillary Clinton, they are not the gushiest signs; in fact, they are considered the most misunderstood sign in that they hide their true feelings, and are written off as cold. Scorpios are the most intense and extreme signs, with huge aspirations and goals, but however tend to come off as controlling and too extreme. Maybe that’s why people call Hillary inexpressive—or it may be the fact that we have a predisposed societal view that women have to be super emotional and motherly, but I digress.


Bernie Sanders (Virgo)

All right, I think we’ve all had enough of the “cute old grandpa” shtick that everyone associates with Bernie. Yeah he’s a nice Jewish man who is old, but he’s also a Virgo, who have strong analytical skills and preciseness. They are often micromanagers, obsessive, and particular, but are known for being good problem solvers and thinkers. As we can see with Bernie, Virgos are great at targeting problems, and they are honest with their intentions. All I’m saying that whether you agree with Bernie or not, he’s not just a cute old man. Many voters resonate with Bernie because of his incredibly progressive outlook on situations, which makes sense. Virgos tend to be controlling, and in Bernie’s case, he has very specific ideas of what is wrong right now in our society, and very specific solutions to those problems. So when he spoke up at the debate about Hillary’s emails, you may have thought it was his crotchety old man-ness, but maybe it was just his Virgo sign speaking up.


Jim Webb (Aquarius)

We all know Jim Webb—the infamous candidate who was worried about getting enough time to talk during the debate. What you may not know about Jim is that he’s considering to run as an independent, which makes his being an Aquarius all the more hilarious. The Aquarius personality tends to be extremely independent, and on the surface may seem unemotional, but once they warm up they are extremely humanitarian and witty and clever. However, as we can see with Jimmy here, Aquarians are very stubborn and stick to their guns, even if other people have proved them wrong—literally, sticking to his guns. Get it? Anyways, Webby here is probably the most conservative democratic candidate, which is ironic cause it definitely sets him apart…like how an Aquarius would be inclined to act.


Martin O’Malley (Capricorn)

A classic Capricorn, O’Malley plays it by the book. Capricorns are responsible, resourceful, and most importantly, they love order. They have a great sense of leadership and can organize themselves very well, but because they live very responsible lives, they seldom take risks. You won’t get outbursts or witty comments from O’Malley that you can tend to get from Bernie or Obama—instead you’ll get formulated, thoughtful responses. The only issue is that they are very stubborn; it’s their way or the highway. Regardless of how the election works out for O’Malley, he’ll probably still think that he was the best option. Classic Capricorn. 



Donald Trump (Gemini)

Oh, and then we come to Geminis. Geminis are the twin sign, and commonly known for coming off as “two-faced.” They react quickly and tend to make snap decisions without considering all the elements, which is ultimately why many people are so entertained by his candidacy. Trump is rash and isn’t afraid to make comments without filtering himself, and has captured the attention of many. Many find it difficult to work with Geminis because they are incredibly independent and don’t let anyone else tell them what to do, and ultimately that can be seen with Trump, as some tend to have an unfavorable opinion of him. I don’t want to send out hate to any fellow Geminis reading, but it’s a hard astrological sign to deal with, and well, it makes a lot of sense that Trump is one.


Ben Carson (Virgo)


Another Virgo, different situation. Carson has this really soft voice that you could contribute to the quiet exterior that Virgos tend to have, so when you listen to him he’ll sound empathetic and rational. However when you listen to his ideas…well I guess you could say that’s where that Virgo intensity we talked about earlier comes around. Virgos also are hesitant to make claims until they have all the facts…so while we know where he stands with certain issues and has clear cut opinions, like that evolution doesn’t exist and the Holocaust could’ve been prevented by guns, he is unclear on his position with other issues. That’s the nicest way to put it, at least.


Jeb Bush

Another Aquarius! All in all, the Republican candidates tend to definitely be more independent, outspoken signs. Jeb was definitely predicted to be the frontrunner, but has yet fallen out of the spotlight. Self-proclaimed introvert, Jeb definitely is a freer spirit in that he doesn’t dig the whole campaigning thing, and would much rather just educate himself on the issues than do the whole song and dance that other candidates (lookin’ at you Trump) tend to enjoy. He even told a magazine that he’d rather read a book than “get in a conga line and go dancing.” Keep on keepin’ on Jeb, it’s okay that not everyone understands that you’re a spirit that can’t be tamed sometimes; you’re an Aquarius, it’s in your nature!


Marco Rubio

Alright Gemini, I’ve got a bone to pick with you. See, this is what I’m talking about with the whole two-faced thing. Supposedly the Latino candidate, Rubio originally supported immigration reforms, but now doesn’t want any policies to do with immigration. He’s such a typical air sign in that he’s finicky and quick to change his mind and act. Like, remember when he was in the middle of delivering a speech and then dramatically stopped to take a sip of water? Just like Trump, Rubio is a Gemini, and they act without caring about the consequences.


Image Sources: Wikimedia.org, Dallasvoice.com, Gannett-cdn.com, Crooksandliars.com, Amazon.com, Giphy.com