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Julie Fahling: An HC *Stamp* of Approval

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

A wise, talented writer once remarked, “the Gambier Post Office smells like the ‘brown paper packages tied up with string’ that Julie Andrews sings about in “My Favorite Things.” The staff treat everyone with an enthusiasm and kindness that makes you feel like a G.I. returning home from World War II, remembering how wonderful America is.” Part of the joy in marching up to the window with that yellow slip comes from the anticipation of cheery small talk that creates the illusion of community the admissions department is always on about. P.O. window chatter always centers around the universal pleasantries of post, (especially when the package is from Mommy or Mod Cloth), and never involves prying questions about whatever salacious items you purchased from Lands End.

Julie Fahling, one of the friendly faces behind the window, is a master of the quick chat- peering over her funky frames or flashing a glimpse of a dragon’s tail from one of her tattoos while she turns to retrieve a package. Chatting about her love for Halloween, dragons, and Adele, Julie’s quirkiness allows her to fit right in at Kenyon.

Where are you from and where do you live now?
Well, I was born and raised in the little town of Mount Vernon. Actually grew up on a farm just outside of Mount Vernon (closer to Gambier than Mount Vernon).

How long have you been working/living in Gambier?
Well, I have only been with the Gambier Post Office a little over 2 years. I worked at the Howard Post Office for 23 years before coming here! I like it a lot better over here. I enjoy all the college students that come in every day and make my day seem worthwhile.
I like the town of Gambier so much that I am going to be moving there next month! Look out Gambier here I come! LOL

Any hints about your Halloween Costume this year?
You would like a hint!? Sorry it’s a surprise!! BOO

What was your favorite costume of all time?
I suppose it was when I went out and got a pink outfit. I took a bright pink blush and put it on all the rest of my skin that was showing. I was really pink!!! Then, I took a china flat (shoe) and 2 hard plastic headbands (that matched my hair) and gorilla glued the shoe to the head bands. Give you 3 guesses what I was.1,2,3…I was gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe!!! LMAO

Describe the perfect care package for you:
Lets see, the perfect care package for me. Some bath salts, a nice candle, a bottle of sweet red wine, and a chick flick! Ahhh sounds like a nice relaxing night. Oh, don’t forget the chocolates!!

What is the best story surrounding one of your tattoos?
Wow- I actually have many. Okay maybe a couple (or three!) I love dragons- they are awesome creatures. I got the one on my right arm and it didn’t feel right. She needed a mate! So I got one on my left arm. He was created from her pattern and made from the female. I then got a “dragons union” band put around my wrist. It is of 2 dragons intertwined with the male and female signs at the end of their tails!! Oh Yeah, BTW I went to Hawaii to get all my “tats” done!!

What is your favorite national holiday or a day you wish could be national holiday?
Well of course I think that we all should have a week or two around our Birthdays to be declared national holidays. Why just limit them to just one day!! LOL

Do you have any talents or fun facts about yourself the Kenyon community might not know?
As far as talents (besides my wit!) I like to sing karaoke. Sometimes you can come into the Post Office (especially early mornings sometime around 7 am) and here me singing with the radio or Adele!

Sara is a senior English major, Art History minor, and Women's and Gender studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She was born and raised in Manhattan and never dreamed she would attend college surrounded by cornfields. She has spent two summers as an editorial intern at ELLE Magazine. She always has a magazine (or three) with her. She loves her role as Kenyon's Campus Correspondent!