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Jeremy Dossetter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.


Before the break we brought you his little brother Benji, now meet the original Dossetter on campus: Jeremy Dossetter, bike enthusiast…and Katy Perry fan. There are many sides to this cutie—intellectual, silly, spontaneously romantic…read on to get to know him!


Name: Jeremy Dossetter
Hometown: San Francisco
Year: Senior
Major: English
Single/taken: Taken

What’s your favorite movie?
JD: Diner.

What’s your favorite book?
JD: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

Favorite pierce food?
JD: The oatmeal is exceptional. Also the Cuban sandwiches. I don’t know why, they’re really greasy.

Favorite class you’ve taken at Kenyon?
JD: I loved “The American Novel: Post 1950,” with Professor Kluge. I just thought the reading list was exceptional. I thought it was really fun. I know some people really didn’t like that class. I don’t know why.

What Hogwarts house are you?
JD: I don’t really know my Harry Potter. But I’d have to say Gryffindor. They just seem like they’re the good guys.

Most embarrassing moment?
JD: I think deb ball freshman year was my most embarrassing moment. I think I’ve tried to shut that out of my brain. It was just scary. Everyone remarked that I actually looked like a woman.

Best theme for a party?
JD: I think “Under the Sea” would be pretty sweet. I’d probably go as an octopus and attach a bunch of vacuum hoses to my body or something.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
JD: I really like Katy Perry.

If you could have any superpower what would be and why?
JD: If I had a superpower I’d like to teleport from one place to another. For convenience but also for fun. It’d be pretty cool to be like “Hey I wanna show up on the other side of the world.” Although the journey would be fun but it’d be convenient to just be able to show up there. I’d also like to fly. I envy all those people who are using flysuits.

Who’s using flysuits?
JD: Like base-jumpers and stuff. But you need some crazy amount of time parachuting, like 3000 hours or something, before you can even attempt a flysuit.

JD: I race bikes.

Thoughts on the Lance Armstrong scandal?
JD: He definitely doped. I got into cycling a little after he was going downhill so he wasn’t really a big idol for me or anything. I have a lot of opinions on it, but to keep it simple, I don’t really mind him getting caught.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
JD: I used to have blond hair and wear giant teddy bear glasses that were circles when I was a kid.

Taylor Swift or Beyonce?
JD: Definitely Beyonce. If we’re talking just looks—well, Beyonce has better music anyways. Just Beyonce.

If you could have dinner with any celebrity, living or dead, who would it be and why?
JD: I’d like to have dinner with the president. It’d be pretty awesome. I feel like we’d have a lot to talk about.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?
JD: Sophomore year I bought my girlfriend surprise plane tickets to come visit me from here to SF. We jumped on a plane together. It was tough though because I had to time it and make sure she hadn’t already bought tickets to go home for winter break. But it was fun. I loved doing that.

How do you think you compare to the Kenyon Thrill’s Red Maple QT?

JD: I think I am the handsomer of the two cuties. I mean, it’s a barren, leafless tree.

What’s the number one thing on your Kenyon bucket list?
JD: I need to do the polar plunge.