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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Age: 20

Hometown: New York, NY

Class: 2012

Wink or air-smooch?
Wink, definitely.   

Side saddle or bareback?
Bareback, I ain’t no lady.

What’s more attractive–proper use of grammar or a large vocabulary?
Considering I failed the grammar final in high school, probably large vocabulary, but both are annoying.

Best campus eatery for a casual date?
Middle Ground. Scratch that, the Kenyon Inn. Screw casual dates–parent’s weekend, I’ve already made the reservation.

It’s 12am on a Sunday and you’re about to pull an all-nighter. Would your dream person bring you a Monster from the Gund basement or a cappuccino from Middle Ground?
Neither, Nos from the Market. I didn’t come here to make friends.

N.J.B. (Nice Jewish Boy) or J.A.P. (Jewish American Princess)?
J.A.P., preferably from New Jersey. 

Middle school vice: drooly lip gloss or juicy jumpsuit?
Juicy jump suit: full body, green and blue terrycloth with a Von Dutch hat and small hoop earrings. I was trying to fit in with a certain crowd. (See above question and answer.)

Who would you rather spend a day with at Cedar Point – Cedric or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann, duh. She would definitely go on all the rides. 

Holding hands on Middle Path – pleasant or pukey?
I know I’ve done it before, but now it seems pukey.

Best academic building to get intimate in?
Science Quad. There are lots of little rooms, and it’s the cleanest.

Celebrity crush?
At first I thought it was Mila Kunis, but now it’s Marion Cotillard.  She looks like a foreign Mila Kunis. 

Speaking of Mila Kunis – black swan or white swan?
Black Swan! It was definitely not perfect, but that’s okay by me.

What’s the most underrated sexy body part?

What song would you walk down the aisle to?
Super Bass. 

Sexiest statue on campus?
Big, busty woman in front of the Graham Gund Gallery. So voluptuous. 

Disney crush?
Jasmine, especially that scene where Jafar traps her in the sand hourglass. 

You’re Rose in Titanic, would you have let Jack drown or invited him onto the door with you?
That’s a real moral dilemma that I’ve been struggling with for a while…cling onto him and see what happens. 

What’s less appealing – nose hairs or toe hairs?
Nose hairs. For toe hairs, shave that off and let’s not talk about it anymore. 

Best (most unhealthy) late night snack – Papa or Mickey Ds?
Papa don’t preach.

Best Beyoncé make out song?
Oh god! Um… All of 4, but if I had to choose, “End of Time.”

Best eyes?
The ones with freckles in them. Oh wait, that’s me.

Which Mario Kart character would you marry and why?
Peach is the prettiest, but I don’t wanna play cat and mouse with her. 

Best snuggle movie?
Silence of the Lambs. Just kidding, Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist. 

Sexiest dish at Pierce?
Anything from the Hearth.