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Forward: Countdown to the 2012 Election

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

In 2008, I went canvassing for then-senator Barack Obama in the crucial swing state of Virginia. After the day spent going from house to house with my mom, asking residents if they had given any thought as to which candidate they were going to support in the election, my family and friends met up at a rally. It was the first time I saw Barack Obama, and I was astounded by his presence, his articulate speech, and the emotions he was able to bring out of the 30,000 people, huddled close together in the November chill.

I wasn’t able to vote in that election, but I still worked my hardest for Obama—spending after school hours phone banking in the Bethesda campaign office and canvassing whenever I could. When I sat in front of my television, watching the election coverage, and saw Virginia go blue, I understood why I had put in all those hours: because this was a candidate I believed the country needed.

Now I find myself in the same position, but in a different place. Gone is the buzz of hope, the buzz of change. People seem tired. As I go canvassing in another crucial swing-state, this time the state I call my home, people are resigned. Many of them tell me they’re not going to vote at all.

When I saw Barack Obama for the third time, very recently, near OSU, I finally felt the buzz come back. I stood in a crowd of 15, 000 people, mostly students, all passionate about reelecting the president. I saw the hope. I saw the passion to protect basic human rights–for equality. I’m fired up. I’m ready to go. I hope the buzz turns into a roar. No matter whom you vote for, make sure to exercise your right! Early voting in Ohio is happening now.

Sara is a senior English major, Art History minor, and Women's and Gender studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She was born and raised in Manhattan and never dreamed she would attend college surrounded by cornfields. She has spent two summers as an editorial intern at ELLE Magazine. She always has a magazine (or three) with her. She loves her role as Kenyon's Campus Correspondent!