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The Dos and Don’ts of Campus Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Welcome to Kenyon, where seven hours of sleep will garner a round of high fives at breakfast from your friends the next morning, and where work piles up in the microseconds of a blink. And yet, somehow campus still manages to look like a runway at 8, 9, or 10 o’clock in the morning.  Unbelievable, I know.

Yet, there she is. That one girl in your 8:10 philosophy lecture who manages to throw together a perfectly chic outfit that you wouldn’t even be able to coordinate if you had a room of stylists, four hours of prep, and a double shot latte.

I’m going to give you a little bit of the lowdown on Kenyon style: the acceptable versus the horrific. Stay away from the dreadful or else you’ll get some stares, and not the kind you want. If your de-stresser activity is online shopping like me – I apologize ahead of time for the links.

*Disclaimer: Maybe I’m not the best person to dispense this advice because I wear crocs in my dorm room. No shame.

The Do’s

The Maxi Skirt. Classic, not to mention undeniably sexy if you add the slit. But, slit or not, it’s comfortable, there’s no need to shave your legs, and it can be dressed up for a party or down for chem lab. Either way, you can’t really look frumpy in a sleek maxi.

Hunter Rain Boots. You’re bound to see lots of girls wearing Hunters and knee socks this year. While at first you might mock them (it’s not even raining), recognize that plastic is beer resistant. Also adorable.

Backless Dress. This is more of a go-to party item because showing up half naked to your 9:10 calculus seminar probably isn’t your best bet. But it’s a sexy choice, especially come formal season.

Athletic Tights. Not going to lie, they’re comfortable and flattering as all hell. Even if you’re not headed to the KAC soon (or ever), just pretend. I won’t judge you.

Red Lipstick. Go bold or go home. No longer is lipstick just for old maids and whores. Think Moulin Rouge. Think Blair Waldorf.

Neutrals. For some reason we like to blend into the trees here on the Hill. But earth tones flatter just about everyone.


The Don’t Evens

Booty Shorts. If I can see the bottom of your butt cheeks peeking out, you’re wearing a strange denim form of underwear and not acceptable pants. Realize that.

The eternal Crop Top. I mean, if you have the abs, who am I to stop you? But a crop top every single day isn’t necessary. Nor is it necessarily appropriate for your classes.

Denim on denim. Let us remember Justin and Brittney.

Birkenstocks and socks. Just don’t. Crunchy.

Purses to class. You don’t need a purse. Seriously. It’s called a backpack/messenger bag/tote. I shudder when I see girls carrying a small purse AND a backpack. #Redundant

That Hollister/Abercrombie/American Eagle shirt that says the name of said brand. Leave that back in the seventh grade along with crimped hair, braces and gauchos.  Not to mention A&F’s ridiculous CEO.

Photo Sources: iVillage, Hunter



Emma Miller, from Shaker Heights, Ohio,  is a senior Drama major at Kenyon College. She is a co-president of StageFemmes, a Kenyon student theatre organization dedicated to showcasing the talents of women in drama. Emma spends her summers as Assistant Director at a Jewish performing arts camp. Emma is thrilled to be in her second year as co-Campus Correspondent for Kenyon's HC chapter.  Emma was a founding staff member of her high school's online magazine, and her writings have also been published on the FBomb. She is passionate about girls' education, Jimmy Fallon, iced tea, Ireland, Cleveland, and SmartWool socks.