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5 Steps to Being Stylish in a Rainstorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

April is upon us, and there certainly seem to be quite a few rain showers happening in Gambier. With cloudy skies and less than ideal weather, our first inclination is to throw on something warm and cozy, but the rain doesn’t have to dampen your sense of fashion! Just follow these steps to craft the perfect rainy day outfit.

Step 1: Find a bright skirt. 

It can be pretty depressing when everything is so gray outside, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be your own pop of color to brighten up the day! A colorful skirt is sure to cheer you up when the weather is gloomy.

Step 2: Pick a cozy sweater.

Creating a cute rainy day outfit doesn’t have to leave out comfort.  A warm and cozy sweater of a neutral color is the perfect thing to pair with a fun bright skirt, and it will leave you feeling warm and dry despite the damp weather.  

Step 3: Pair it with some funky tights.

To add some more interest to your outfit, why not add some cool tights? Chances are it won’t be quite warm enough to go out without anything on your legs, and if your skirt and sweater are solid colors, patterned tights are just enough to make the outfit noteworthy. 

Step 4: Put on some cute, waterproof boots.  

You don’t want to ruin your favorite shoes on a rainy day, but that doesn’t mean you have to wear something boring! A ton of boots are waterproof, whether they’re rain boots or not, and there are lots of cute ones to choose from.

Step 5: Add an adorable umbrella. 

No rainy day outfit is complete without an umbrella to keep you dry! There are so many cute ones to choose from; you can pick one that will match any outfit or one that’s totally unique and adds its own fun touch to your ensemble.

With these tips, hopefully you can make your rainy days a little more bright and cheerful. And remember, the saying goes: “April showers bring May flowers,” so the rain must mean that spring is on the way!

Photos created on polyvore.com

Rebecca is a senior English major and American Studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She is from Alexandria, Virginia and has written for Her Campus since freshman year.