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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Editor’s Note: This article was written in collaboration with Her Campus Xavier. We hope you all enjoy it!

“You go to school in Ohio? Why?” Yeah, you’ve probably been asked that a time or two if you’re from out-of-state and attend college in Ohio.  Until now you might have had problems coming up with a quick comeback as to why you go to school here.  Here are some reasons you can be proud to be living in Ohio:

1. The Diverse Weather Conditions

One day you could experience chilly fall-like weather and the next sunny early summer weather.  Of course it makes it difficult to dress for since you already put those summer tanks and shorts away, but for those who like diverse temperatures, Ohio is at its finest.

2. Adventure Seekers

If your dream been to travel to every state in America, living in certain parts of Ohio can easily cross off 3 states.  Whether you’re in the northwest, southwest, south, or east of Ohio, each have Tri-State areas. Students who attend Xavier University or University of Cincinnati have the ability to travel to Kentucky or Indiana within 15 minutes, which gives more selection for places to visit on the weekends!

3. Luke Bryan, these Country Girls can shake it for you.

All Ohioans truly forget how big Ohio actually is, and how much farmland we have living in the Midwest.  Many southerners believe that only the south produces true country boys riding in around in their pickups wearing their cowboy boots, but as Brantley Gilbert said after seeing an Ohio boy pull up head-to-toe country gear, “Country must be country wide”.  We may not have the southern drawl to prove it, but outside of the cities Ohio has just as many proud rednecks blazing bonfires on the weekend while listening to classic George Strait hits.

4. Floating Downstream

As if we couldn’t already get enough of our state, it is home to the Ohio River.  Stretching across the southern border of Ohio, it is home to many attractions.  Whether it’s boating or attending dinners on Riverboats, the options are endless.  In Cincinnati, UC and Xavier students are able to watch the WEBN fireworks on the river, or ride a boat downstream to hear a concert at Riverbend Music Center.

5. Calling all Sports Fanatics

What do the Bengals, Browns, Columbus Crew, Cyclones, Cavaliers, Indians, Blue Jackets and the Reds all have in common? They’re all professional teams from Ohio! Home to two professional football teams and the first professional baseball team, fans from other states come pouring in for these games.

6. The beauty of all four seasons

During the midst of a particularly brutal snowstorm, it can seem like the only season Ohio experiences is winter. In reality, when you live in this beautiful state, you’ll enjoy blossoming flowers in the spring, bright sunny days in the summer, stunning leaves in the fall, and glistening piles of snow in the winter. The promise of a complete four-season cycle makes Ohio stand out as a great place to live.

7. Buckeyes.

I’m not talking about OSU’s mascot or the nut that falls from particular trees in autumn. While those are certainly staples of Ohio living, they can’t compare to their dessert form—delicious peanut butter balls coated in an outer shell of chocolate. An Ohio delicacy. Going to college in Ohio means you can eat all the authentic buckeyes you want. What more of a reason to live here do you need?

8. So. Much. Ice cream.

Three large ice cream companies have been founded in Ohio, giving us plenty of high quality frozen desserts to choose from. Whether it’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, Velvet Ice Cream, or Graeter’s Ice Cream, you can’t go wrong. Sure, we each have our favorite brand, but one thing I think we all can agree on is that Ohioans know good ice cream.

9. Combination of rural and urban lifestyles

When you drive across Ohio, you’ll encounter a variety of residential areas. From tiny towns surrounded by cornfields to the bustling cities of Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, Ohio offers both rural and urban living environments. This mixture of lifestyles makes the state an interesting place to go to college. Whether you need to escape from the large crowds and busy streets of city-life or see civilization again after living seemingly in the middle of nowhere, you’ll find the place you’re looking for somewhere in Ohio.

10. The political atmosphere of a swing state

Ohioans don’t really favor a particular political party, and the Democrats and the Republicans have a similar amount of support within the state. This fact brands Ohio as a swing state during presidential elections, making it a very interesting place to attend college. While college campuses may clearly lean one way or the other, you’ll still find supporters of each party across the state. Living in this type of political environment means you’ll be exposed to both sides of major issues and witness or participate in passionate debates during election season.

Hopefully, this list makes you realize you love living in the Buckeye State. Maybe it will even encourage you to try some new things while you’re here. At the very least, the next time someone questions your decision to move to Ohio for school, you’ll be able to give multiple reasons why Ohio is an awesome place to live. 


Image Credit: Pinterest, Sodahead, Seating Chart View, Fine Art America, Wikipedia, Kristi’s Bakery, 30 a Bike Rentals and Ice Cream, 12 Keys Recovery, Kaylsas

Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.