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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

The holidays are among us which means all malls and really any shopping centers are crowded and completely unbearable, let’s be real here. Getting into the holidays can be quite hard when everything is blinded by gift giving and spending money on the people around you. Taking a step back from shopping and wrapping can really change your perspective on the holidays and just spending times with friends and baking cookies can be the best part of your Christmas.  

So here’s a bucket list of 10 things you and friends and family could do during December to get you into the holiday mood!

Gingerbread making contest

Run to your local Target or Walmart and pick out some gingerbread houses and put on some music and have a blast! Make sure to pick up in some decorations before you leave the store. This activity could cost as little as $10 if you buy a kit!


This one might be a bit hard if you lack both a hill or snow, but if you live here in Ohio I’m sure you’ll soon be blessed with at least 1 large snow storm before Christmas! Find a local park with big hills and buddle up and stop by Starbucks on your way home for some hot chocolate.

Cookies and movies

If you’re like me, then during the month of December you’ll probably eat your body weight in cookies and that’s totally okay! Have each of your friends of family bring a cookie recipe and make a day of it. Turn on a Christmas movie like Holiday in Handcuffs, The Polar Express or The Christmas Chronicles which can be found on Netflix, Freeform or the Hallmark channel.

Attend your local events

In most towns and cities, you’ll be guaranteed to find a holiday based event like a tree lighting or ice skating. In Akron there’s Lock 3 with outdoor ice skating and food and sledding! Look up what your town is doing and gather some friends and go.

Decorate Ornaments

If you go to a craft store like Michaels orJo-Ann Fabrics they tend to sell clear ornaments you can decorate with paint and other decorations. Like the cookies and gingerbread houses, just turn on some music and drink some hot chocolate and you’ll have a blast!

Go see lights in neighborhoods

Every year since I was a kid we’ve driven past this house in my hometown that goes all out, I’m talking they built a roller-coaster that penguins ride in their front yard. It’s insane and also one of my favorite things to do. Pick a neighborhood you know has good lights and go drive around! Also places like Stan Hywet in Akron has lights you can go see. By the way, the house with the penguin roller-coaster is 1507 Cherry Lane in Green, Ohio, it’s a must see!

Volunteer at a charity

This time of the year it’s always best to remember those in need, so volunteering can always be a great option. You could bake cookies and give them to local shelters, help at the soup kitchen, or buy gifts for a family who may not get any; the options are endless. Just look up some places who need help and gather some friends.

Tour the Christmas Story House

If you’ve seen the classic Christmas movie A Christmas Story, you may know that the house they filmed at is in Cleveland and you can take tours of the house as well! Tickets are only $13 for general admission so it won’t break your bank during the season of spending.

See a play or musical

During the holidays so many local theaters put on productions of The Nutcracker or A Christmas Carol. This is such an easy way to get in the holiday mood and you’re supporting local theaters which is always an added bonus!

See a classic Christmas movie in theaters

A lot of time during the holidays movie theaters will play classic Christmas movies which is so fun to be able to see a movie in theaters that came out probably before you were born. You could find a movie theater near you and see if they have any showings coming up! A few years ago my friends and I saw Home Alone in theaters and it was a blast! 

Have a great and safe holiday season! 

A sophomore at Kent State University majoring in journalism with a minor in fashion media. I love to workout and hang out with friends and hike! I love reading and writing about fashion, health, and relationships and how to balance your life in college.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.