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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Watching Christmas movies is one of my favorite pastimes. Whether you love the classics, the Hallmark specials or the holiday comedies, Christmas movies are such a fun way to get in the holiday spirit. 

The movie Elf is my favorite to watch every year. Every year around the holidays, I set up my presents, make a cup of vegan hot chocolate and get my wrapping paper out to wrap presents while watching Elf. After many years of this same tradition, I’ve come to the conclusion that Elf is the perfect Christmas movie. 

Now listen, this is not a jab at any other Christmas movie because there are plenty of other amazing ones. However, none of these movies really live up to the standards of Elf.

To start off, Elf is incredibly funny. There is humor in there for everyone whether you’re an adult or a child. There are a lot of jokes in there that I missed as a child and caught as an adult that made the film ten times funnier. Will Ferrell portrays the role of Buddy so perfectly and really brings that child-like energy alive on film. 

Elf also has plenty of heartwarming moments that make it incredibly special and also, make you feel the warmth of the holiday season.

Towards the end, it becomes the “feel good” movie everyone is looking to watch during Christmastime. Buddy the Elf teaches you some really important messages to remember during the holiday season. Buddy connects with everyone he meets in the movie and brings them all Christmas joy, which he also ends up doing with the viewers. 

Elf is light-hearted, funny, magical and nostalgic. All of these factors together make Elf the perfect holiday film to cozy up and watch with friends or family during the holidays.

And don’t ever forget what Buddy said; “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”

Talia Gogel

Kent State '23

Hi! My name is Talia Gogel and I'm a sophomore fashion merchandising at Kent State! I love shopping, cooking, bunnies, astrology, and reading! I’m involved in the Fashion Student Organization, a member of Tri Sigma Sorority, and HerCampus!