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Bid Day 1
Bid Day 1
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

What Living in a Sorority House is Really Like

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Have you ever thought “I wonder what it is like to live in a house with 26 girls?” Well if so, then I have the answers for you. Yup, that’s right. I live in my sorority house, home to 26 college aged girls. I know it may sound scary to most, and to be honest, I was a bit nervous at first, however, after living here for about a month, I can safely say it has been more amazing than I could have possibly thought.

When I first moved in a little over a month ago, I was really nervous. I am a part of the first round of girls to live in our house, so we didn’t know what to expect when coming in here. The first thing I was most nervous about was the bedroom size since I had a suite like dorm last year that was very spacious. While these rooms are definitely smaller than what I had last year, I have found that I have just enough space for everything. Below are a few pictures of my room.

The other concern I had was the bathroom situation. Again, I had my own bathroom last year and never had to experience the community bathroom situation. So far, however, we have not run into any major issues surrounding that, so let’s keep our fingers crossed it stays that way!

There tends to be a negative stereotype when it comes to sorority life, especially the idea that all we do is party. I can safely say that that is not the case at all. With 26 girls living in this house, you will always find someone in one of our many study rooms doing homework or studying. A big reason I love living in our house as well is with so many of my sisters around at all times, we make our own fun just in the house. We have had many movie nights, Swenson’s runs, and deep life talks. 

One of the absolute best parts of living in this house is how closely I have bonded with the girls that live here. With over a hundred girls in our chapter, it is really hard to truly get to know everyone, and a lot of the girls who live here now are people I may have never gotten close with if it weren’t for us living in the Phi Mu house together. So, that is why I love living here so much. No matter what time of day there is always someone around to hang out with, cry with over homework or go make a midnight Taco Bell run when it has just been one of those days. Now don’t get me wrong, it isn’t always easy living here. Just like with any living situation we do get on each other’s nerves at time, however, at the end of the day, these girls are my best friends, my confidants and my sisters who I would do absolutely anything for.


Natalie is a freshman fashion merchandising student with a double minor in marketing and fashion media at Kent State. At home in Springboro, Ohio she enjoys spending time with friends, family, and her dog, Maci. Her interests include fashion, beauty, lifestyle, dogs and much more! In high school, she danced and participated in her high school's choir and theater program. While her studies are very important to her, she does enjoy being involved in many clubs and organizations including the Fashion Student Organization, Modista, and of course Her Campus. She hopes to one day live in a big city working for a fashion magazine, and just generally doing what she loves.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.