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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Do you plan on voting, but are unsure if you can make it to the polls on Election Day? Well Ohio, unlike many states, allows registered voters to begin voting the day after voter registration closes and up until Election Day. You can read about the importance of being registered to vote here.

Beginning on Oct. 12, Ohio residents can go to their board of elections and vote early. This means, if you’re registered to vote in the state of Ohio, you will have around 19 business days to vote.

Planning ahead to vote early can make your life so much easier come Nov. 8. It is a great way to avoid long lines and to be sure that nothing will stop your voice from being heard. When voting early you must bring a government issued ID and something showing your current address, like a utility bill. Many universities and student housing will be issuing out utility bills for zero dollars so students can use them to prove their temporary address. For other ways to prove your current address you can look here

However you plan to vote, just make sure you do it.

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.