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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

2020 has been the worst year in California state history for land loss due to wildfires. California wildfire season runs from May through October and this season has seen a record-breaking amount of fires, even though the season isn’t over. California wildfires have become more and more intense over recent years, higher temperatures, larger and more destructive fires and poorer air quality. There are many different things that can attribute to a wildfire, and California faces this season every year. Different environmental factors can lead to a wildfire, such as the dry air quality that California is known for, lighting, and winds. There are also a lot of man-made causes of wildfires. One of the most recent California wildfires was caused by a pyrotechnic device that was used during a gender reveal party. These wildfires are proof that the climate crisis we are all facing is very real. Higher temperatures, low moisture and drier air are all contributing to the intensity of these wildfires and will only get worse as the climate changes. 

Persona holding \"reduce reduce reduce\" sign at a protest
Photo by Markus Spiske from Unsplash

Not only Californians should care about the effects of these wildfires. Other Western states such as Utah, Arizona and Oregon are facing the same problems. Eastern states are also feeling the effects of the wildfires. Northeast Ohio saw some hazy days that were caused by smoke trapped and carried by winds and have reached the Atlantic Ocean. Climate change has brought about these historic wildfires and their dangerous effects. In August 2020, California saw a number of record-breaking heatwaves. Death Valley reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which could possibly be the highest ever recorded temperature on Earth. The wildfires in California are direct causes of these extremely high temperatures. California isn’t the only Western state that saw record-breaking heat. Several different Western states have recorded their hottest summer yet in 2020 and the heatwaves are more intense. The heatwaves are longer, hotter and are occurring more often than ever before. The heatwaves and wildfires are examples of the drastic effects that will continue to happen throughout our country, and the world, if the climate crisis continues. 

Markus Spiske
Markus Spiske / Unsplash
These trends have been predicted by many different climate researchers, who have been issuing warnings about the effects of climate change for the past ten years. It was predicted in 2001 by a group of international scientists that the Earth would experience higher temperatures, increased risk of wildfires, more heatwaves, and substantially poorer air quality in metropolitan areas as a direct result of climate change. There are a lot of different contributors to climate change, but corporations are the leading cause of climate change. It was recently reported that 100 energy companies have been responsible for 71 percent of industrial emissions since human-driven climate change was recognized. Some corporations have recently been reporting and measuring their emissions, and releasing new projections of how they plan to eliminate emissions. Corporations have a lot of political influence and are able to drive policy change and they are also able to respond to climate change in a way that any political or private organization could. Individual and government involvement is needed to combat the climate crisis, but corporations have a much larger responsibility. 

November is coming protest signs
Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels
The California wildfires and heatwaves that have been raging in 2020 are the direct results of climate change and every state should be concerned about their effects. We should also be increasingly concerned about the future of climate change as the effects of it will only continue to worsen and cause more issues across the globe. There are many different ways to personally combat climate change, but advocacy is the best way. Speaking up and using your political voice to pressure elected officials to make positive changes is crucial right now. Talking to others about the climate crisis and getting them involved politically can also help politicians put pressure on corporations. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an example of an outspoken climate change advocate, and we need more politicians to follow her lead. Unfortunately, there continues to be climate change deniers, despite the obvious proof and harmful effects, but if you are able to convince one person to vote and pressure elected officials, it can lead to change. Voting in state and local elections are very important for the future of the climate crisis, along with voting in the 2020 Presidential election. President Donald Trump continues to deny climate change issues while ignoring and undermining scientists. The Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden differs from Trump on many climate issues and his climate plan can be reviewed here. This election could become a very important aspect of climate change, and using your voice is very important.

Grace Christopher

Kent State '22

Grace Christopher is a Graduate student in Journalism and Mass Communication at Kent State University. She graduated from Youngstown State University in May with her Bachelor's in History and Political Science.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.