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Top 5 Thanksgiving Episodes to Prepare you for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Now that Halloween has passed, everyone is in Christmas mode. What some don’t realize, though, is that Thanksgiving is often overlooked and is put to the side. There’s no better way to pay homage to the holiday by watching TV episodes dedicated to this special day. Here’s a list of shows that have put out episodes that will surely put you in the holiday spirit!

New Girl: Parents (Season 2, Episode 8)

Jess sets up a “Parent Trap” inspired plan, as she invites her divorced parents to Thanksgiving dinner together without them knowing in hopes of the two getting back together. Per usual, her plan backfires. Nick develops feelings to Jess’s mom during the whole debacle, ultimately making the night even more complicated. All at the same time, Schmidt and his cousin go head-to-head in a “manliness” competition. Winston gets caught in the middle of everything, when all he wants to do is enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. 


How I Met Your Mother: Slapsgiving (Season 3, Episode 9)


In this classic episode, the viewers get to witness the third slap in Marshall’s and Barney’s “slap bet.”  As it is Lily’s and Marshall’s first Thanksgiving as a married couple, she wants it to be perfect. This is ruined by Marshall’s constant antagonizing of Barney’s third slap. While the night dwindles down, we witness an encounter that occurred between Ted and Robin the night before.


Gossip Girl: Blair Waldorf Must Pie! (Season 1, Episode 9)


There is always a crazy story that develops in every episode of Gossip Girl and this Thanksgiving-themed one does not fail. Blair and Serena get into an argument, ending in Blair dis-inviting Serena to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Serena’s boyfriend, Dan, then offers for her family to join his; little did they know, their parents shared a deep history that would cause chaos later on. While Serena and Dan deal with their family issues, Blair encounters her own demons, haunting her throughout the night. The constant back-and-forth from the past to the present will keep you intrigued this episodes entirety.


The Office: WUMPHF.com (Season 7, Episode 9)


Although not directly centered around Thanksgiving, this episode of the iconic show is set around the holiday. While Michael and Ryan develop their new investment more, Dwight sets up “Hay Place,” a Thanksgiving festival, right in Dunder Mifflin’s parking lot. Trying to relive his childhood, Dwight ends up ruining the experience for everyone involved.

Friends: The One Where Ross Got High (Season 6, Episode 9)

Chandler is determined to win over Monica’s parents at this Thanksgiving, but is quick to learn that they do not like him because of something Ross had said about him in the past. Rachel is assigned to make a dessert for the night, and she decides to make a trifle that soon shocks everyone with its ingredients. Ross attempts to avoid confronting his parents about the Chandler situation, as he is trying all night to leave, wanting to hang out with Joey’s roommate and her friends. 


All episodes are available on Netflix and Hulu, making it easy for you to get into the festive mood of Thanksgiving.


Danica Garcia

Kent State '20

Danica Garcia is a Fashion Merchandising major with a Fashion Media minor at Kent State University.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.