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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Thanksgiving break is approaching and many people are going home to be with their families. However, for some, there is still an overarching feeling of uneasiness after Trump became the president-elect. Especially while knowing Ohio is a red state and you probably know someone who voted for him. Maybe even family members voted in ways that don’t align with your values. That can be really hard to deal with and those feelings are completely valid. However, an argument with a relative isn’t going to change the world. It is important at this time to reflect on the successes we did have this year and what we can look forward to in the future. Here are a list of things to be thankful for this holiday season.

1. Friends. You will have support from your friends. Nothing has changed with that; You can stand together. They will distract you with fun times, but help you focus on your goals and the collective ideas you all share.

2. There are a lot of resources to turn to. There are so many organizations in and around Kent that want to help. Whether you’re a person of color, LGBT or anyone who is distressed during this time, there are places to turn to.

3. You can get involved. Stand up for what you believe. Be safe, but use your freedom of speech wisely.

4. It’s almost the end of the semester. Does this even need explaining? We will have almost a month to recharge.

5. Winter is coming and it will comfort you. Hot chocolate, warm blankets and cuddling the pain away. Self care is especially important during this time.

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.