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Spring Has a Different Meaning for College Seniors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Spring means so many different things to college students. It means summer break is approaching, final exams are coming up, dorm rooms move out day is getting closer and for some it means that you’re one step closer to your college degree.

For college seniors, spring symbolizes the closing of one chapter but the beginning of a new one. It means not having to schedule for fall classes the following semester, it means in less than a month you will be a college graduate. Some individuals come from a family full of college graduates while others will be the first person in their family to earn a degree in higher education.

As the days count down to the bustling month of May, I’m sure many 2023 grads are reflecting on their college experience. 

When I sit back and think about the past four years of college, I’m left in a state of astonishment. I can’t believe that I walked all throughout campus, met so many different people and learned so much for each of my classes. It almost feels weird to be just about finished with school. It’s all I’ve known since Pre-K. You almost wonder what’s next in your life, I wonder that. When others hear that they look at you funny because you’re supposed to know exactly where you’re headed to next.

The truth is some of us don’t know and it’s okay. I used to obsess about having every single point of my life after college already planned out. In reality it’s impossible to know what will happen, I can only prepare myself the best way I can. I learned to accept that my career path will look different from others. 

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Original Illustration Designed in Canva for Her Campus Media

Spring means searching for job opportunities, fellowships, internships, looking into grad school, perfecting headshots, LinedIn pages, resumes and cover letters. Spring is a huge transition point for college seniors because we are truly stepping into the world, we’re the next generation to start companies, create changes and build a life for ourselves.

It’s crazy to think that once we were little kindergartens counting to 100 and now we are almost college graduates. I think one of the most important things to do right now is to enjoy the moment. When you sit back and think about all that we’ve overcome to get to the point we are in now, we deserve a pat on the back.

College isn’t a walk in the park, it’s full of ups and downs, sleepless nights and constant coffee drinking. It’s easy to busy yourself with studying for exams, final projects, portfolios and such. But even if it’s for a moment, sit back and reflect on your journey and be proud of yourself. Give praise to how far you’ve come, you’re days away from walking across stage. I’ve learned that celebrating yourself is one of the best things that you can do, because you are the one who did it. 

Whether you know what’s next for you or if you’re like me and you’re still figuring it out. Take some time out to congratulate yourself on what you accomplished and what is next to come. 

Congratulations Class of 2023!

London Green

Kent State '23

Hi, I’m London Green. I am a senior journalism major with a minor in fashion media. I love creating content that is relatable to everyone.