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Say Yes to the Slow Fashion Movement 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

My grandpa is my new style icon (yes, really!) No, this is not some crazy millennial fad, I admire the fact that my grandpa looks for quality over quantity. As consumers, I think we should be more mindful of what we purchase. I realize this is challenging considering the temptation of fast fashion deals; however, in the end game, exhibiting awareness of where and how we shop only helps us consumers to save money and prevent decision fatigue. Less is more, people!

Still skeptical of shopping like your elders? Look at it like this, I introduced the idea of shopping like your grandparents because it’s cool. You will be a rebel considering your resistance to buying cheap garments. Who doesn’t love a nonconformist? It’s cool to be different. How do you adopt this attitude? Splurge on timeless, quality pieces to ensure they will hold up over time while remaining in style. This concept makes a lot of sense! You will always love what you wear and never struggle with what to wear in the morning. Curating a smaller wardrobe of your favorites simplifies everything!

Don’t be basic! A lot of my friends lament they shop fast fashion because they don’t want to be boring. What a stigma! We can make it a norm to re-wear clothes! Princess Kate is often seen in repeat looks! If slow fashion is fit for a princess, I don’t think us common folk should pass it up! I swear you will like it once you try it. However, if you want to ease into the movement, start thrifting (how hipster!) You get the adrenaline rush of combing the racks for a good deal without the worry of purchasing items that fall apart after a few wears (I’m looking at you, Forever 21!) Also, did I mention you will save money??? Oh yeah, I have, but how exciting! One of my friends used to hit up Charlotte Russe and H&M at least once a week. She would probably spend around $30 to $60 a week on new clothes! Now, she has core pieces in her closet, but thrifts for some new pieces here and there for a fraction of the price. Whenever she tires of certain articles of clothing, she takes them with her to donate to Goodwill or Salvation Army.

Do what you want, but I hope you at least consider adopting some more sustainable practices! Remember less is more, quality over quantity, thrift and support sustainable companies.

Here are some retailers to consider:

  • Everlane
  • Zady
  • Patagonia
  • Reformation
  • MATT & NAT
  • rag and bone

There are so many good brands out there in addition to the ones above! Research is key.

Happy shopping! Quality, Quality, Quality! 

Malorie Newingham is a Fashion Merchandising major at Kent State University. She enjoys biking, hiking, attending concerts, and seeking out yummy new places to eat with friends. She believes traveling is essential because so much of who we are is where we have visited. On campus, you may spot Malorie reading outside of Rockwell Hall or grabbing chai tea with friends. Malorie enjoys writing because she can share her voice with others. As an author for Her Campus, she wants to keep her audience up to date on the latest trends and encourage them to take chances. Malorie hopes to find a job where she has the freedom to roam, hopefully in a Jeep with her black Labrador Bella, and discover local stores, quaint coffee shops, yoga studios, and so much more. She would love to write freelance features for different publications on her experiences. Currently, her favorite websites include Into The Gloss, Byrdie, Outdoor Voices, and The Everygirl.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.