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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Sometimes when we care about someone, whether it is a close friend or a boyfriend, we tend to overlook red flags about their personality. The earlier you catch these red flags; however, the more heartache and drama you can save yourself from in the future.

Blatant disrespect/mean

If your so-called friend or significant other is genuinely mean or disrespectful towards you or even others, run the other direction. There is no excuse for this. If they are constantly making jokes at your expense or are excessively rude, end the relationship.

Not supportive

A true friend will support you in your goals, as long as the goals are in your best interest. If they talk down to you about aiming for a new job or going to college, cut them off. Support is key in a healthy relationship and if they cannot do that then they are not worth your time.


This one is a little more dangerous when it’s shown in a partner versus a friend. If the person constantly wants to be around you or makes you feel guilty about spending time with others, watch yourself. Two people in a relationship should be able to function normally when they’re apart. The earlier you catch this the better; you do not want a situation like this to turn violent.

Talks bad about family and/or friends

This one can be tricky. We all vent about our family and friends and often the person we’re venting to may agree or join in. There’s a thin line; however, between helping you vent and being insolent. No one should be going out of their way to insult your family members or close friends. If you both plan to be in a relationship for a while, it is important that your significant other or friend respects your loved ones as much as you do.

Doesn’t have goals/ambition

A friend or significant other not having future plans may not seem like an immediate problem, but it can become one very quickly. If you’re on the right track, they could be dragging you down. You cannot let someone who is content to mooch off others stop you from achieving everything you’ve worked for.

Doesn’t give what they get

One of the hardest things in a relationship is realize that you deserve better. We often do not think highly of ourselves. If you’re giving your all to someone and they can’t even make time to see you, let them go. There’s no reason that you should be consistently going out of your way for someone who cannot reciprocate.

Difference in core values

This one can be hard, but core differences will eventually drive a wedge in your relationship. If you both have strong conflicting views on sensitive issues, your relationship probably will feel the tension. There’s a good chance that you can work these differences out with a friend, but it is very challenging to be on the opposite end of the moral compass when it comes to your signifcant other. 

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Talor Bly

Kent State

Hey, I'm Talor! I am a Sophmore Fashion Merch Major and Marketing Minor at Kent State University. I love traveling, laughter, and perfect weather.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.