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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

If April showers bring May flowers, than it should stop raining any day now, right? Wrong. Here in Kent, we truly live in a tropical rainforest. Even on the sunny days, it just doesn’t feel right not carrying an umbrella to class. Here are the top 10 struggles of living in the Kent State Rainforest:


1. Wind tunnel + rain = Survival of the fittest umbrella

2. The rain is the earth’s way of crying over my grades as the semester is coming to an end. Literally.


3. It rains sideways. That is all.

4. The rain IS a valid excuse to skip class.


5. If opening an umbrella indoors constitues seven years of bad luck, consider me incredibly unlucky.

6. This is what a typical week looks like:

Plan on getting wet.

7. Puddles. Puddles everywhere.

8. Rain boots are suddenly the latest trend in fashion footwear.



9. Driving around campus just got a million times worse. Oh, and good luck finding a parking spot in the rain.

10. Twitter is your go-to source to know if it’s raining.


Stay dry, Kent Staters!

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Lily Martis

Kent State

Magazine journalism major, fashion media minor. Lover of fashion, books and a good joke.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.