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Preparing for Winter at Kent State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Despite what this unseasonably warm weather may have fooled you into thinking, real winter will get here eventually, Kent State. Here are a few tips to help you get through the inevitable winter.

Bundle up! With the temperatures dropping and Kent State’s lovely wind tunnel ready to go, you’re sure to feel like you’re freezing on your way to class. Layer up with your big winter coat, gloves and hats. Don’t forget to crank the heat up. Nobody is safe from the windy Kent campus.

Get your skis out. With piles of snow everywhere, getting around campus isn’t easy or fun. Take it from this Kent student whose picture circulated on Twitter when he decided to ski on campus because of all the snow. Driving and walking in the snow is no fun, so why not be creative and ski to your classes?

Don’t wait around for the alert that classes are canceled. Let’s be real, classes will hardly ever get canceled for the temperatures or snow. As sad as it is, it’s best to not get your hopes up and be crushed when you have to roll out of bed and trudge across campus in the cold. 

Accept the fact that winter is the worst and cuddle up in a sweater and watch Netflix in the warmth of your room.

Remember, winter is no fun. But, we’re all in this together, surviving the snowy, freezing windy tunnels of Kent State one day at a time. Bunndle up and try to make the best of it.

Hi! I'm Taylor Robinson. I'm a sophomore journalism major at Kent State. I like Parks and Rec and hanging out with my dog.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.