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Paige Galecki: Wakeboarder Extraordinare

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

This week we sat down with Paige Galecki, a senior fashion merchandising major from Sylvania, OH, who loves to wakeboard. 

Her Campus: When did you first start wakeboarding?

Paige Galecki: When I was about nine years old. It definitely wasn’t a popular sport of choice for girls my age, but I was an edgy child. 

HC: For those land-dwellers out there, could you give us a description of what wakeboarding is?

PG: It’s essentially snowboarding on water. You’re towed behind a boat in its wake while your feet are in boots strapped onto a board. 

HC: How did you get into it at first?

PG: There were a couple of cute boys across the lake who wakeboarded so I asked my dad for a board and then I realized that I was actually pretty good at it. So, yeah, trying to impress college boys at nine years old is how I got into it, but soon I forgot about the boys and focused on boarding instead. 

HC: The rest of your family does watersports too, correct?

PG: Yep, it’s basically a family affair. My brother and I wakeboard, my mom slalom-skis (one ski) and my dad sticks to regular old waterskiing. 

HC: What’s your board like?

PG: It’s black with blue flowers and pink boots. I believe it’s an accurate representation of my complex, yet vibrant personality.

HC: What is the coolest trick you can do?

PG: I can jump the wake! Some people are suprised that I can completely clear the wake because of my height so I’m pretty proud of that skill. Also, I’m currently working on doing a backflip over the wake. And on a slightly less impressive note, my brother and I will often board together while simultaneously arm wrestling.

HC: What’s your worst wakeboarding memory?

PG: I didn’t practice enough before trying a new trick and I ended up wiping out. My boots popped off my feet and then my board came up and hit me in the head. It wasn’t pretty to say the least.

HC: So, what is your overall favorite thing about wakeboarding?

PG: Honestly, I just like being on the water and teaching other people a new skill. It’s great getting to see others learn and enjoy wakeboarding, too. It’s awesome to be part of that exhilarating experience for someone else.

HC: And the worst part of wakeboarding?

PG: Well, the board often will fly off and hit you in the face or the butt, which is never a ton of fun, but it’s a small price to pay. 

HC: How long do you see yourself wakeboarding for?

PG: Until I keel over from old age or bad choices. 

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Elena Clark

Kent State

I am an ambitious, hardworking Honors Fashion Merchandising student with a minor in Public Relations at Kent State University. I am also a peer tutor at the Kent State Writing Commons and a member of Phi Mu Fraternity. I plan to pursue a career in Fashion Journalism once I graduate.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.