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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

(Natalie is holding the “I came for cake!” sign) 


Natalie Schafer is an intern for Hillel, which is the Jewish Student Organization on campus! Hillel is a “Home away from home” for many students on campus. 


HC: What is your age, major and hometown?

Natalie: 23, Psycholgy major with a Conflict Management minor, Cleveland area

HC: What is your job in the internship for Hillel?

Natalie: “I am the lead (team manager) for the Community Building cohort, focusing on Tzedek (righteous acts of good deeds). “

HC: What is your favorite thing about being in the intership? 

Natalie: “My favorite part of being invovled in the Hillel internship is the opportunity to get to faclitate relationship building. I also value learning additional professional skills and establishing relationships with other organizations on campus.”

HC: What future events would you like to plan for Hillel?

Natalie: “I am in the midst of helping to organize MLK “Just” 4 a Day, an annual campus-wide community service initiative on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 19th. Students, faculty and staff team up to build a more “Just” community. For furture events, I will be planning a 21+ event and there will be a Purim (Jewish holiday) party.”

HC: And, last but not least, what are some facts about yourself?

Natalie: “I love being outside and active. I love cooking and good food.” 

Thanks, Natalie! You are doing an amazing job as an intern for Hillel, keep up the great work! 


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Danie Minor

Kent State

Hey there! My name is Danie Minor, and I am a recent graduate of Kent State. I was a PR major who minored in Fashion Media Writing. I am currently on the job hunt and would love to work within the lifestyle PR realm. I am a city girl from the D.C. metro area. Make sure you check out my personal blog: Definingdanie.com! You can also find me on socialite @danieminor13!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.